
File naming convention below:

Data availability

All the raw sequencing data have been deposited to NCBI's SRA (SRP162370).

Some BAM files aligned with BWA MEM can also be obtained on NCBI's FTP site.

Whole Genome Sequencing for Reference Samples on Illumina Platforms

Somatic mutation callers were run with the following 21 pairings (each was aligned with three different aligners to create a total of 63 tumor-normal BAM files here).

Tumor Purity Titration on Illumina HiSeq Platform

Three replicates were also combined to make 350X data sets. 

SPP_GT_1-0_1, SPP_GT_1-0_2, and SPP_GT_1-0_3 were combined into a 350X tumor sequencing data set.

SPP_GT_0-1_1, SPP_GT_0-1_2, and SPP_GT_0-1_3 were combined into a 350X normal sequencing data set.

PacBio Sequel Platform WGS

Targeted Sequencing

AmpliSeq on Illumina MiSeq