Building workflow on Seven Bridges Genomics

Progress update on workflow building on Seven Bridges Genomics:

AWS EC2 instance types:

MuTect2 (x):

SomaticSniper (x):

VarDict (x):

MuSE (x):

Scalpel (x):

Strelka (x):

Sentieon TNscope: (x):

BED-parallelizer (x):

APP to vcf-concat input VCF files according to sort -V of their input names:

SomaticSeq workflow with MuTect2(M), SomaticSniper(S), and Strelka(K):

Multiple caller workflow with MuTect2(M), SomaticSniper(S), VarDict(D), and Strelka(K):

Running GATK CallableLoci:

Upload files to CGC:

Command to upload (an example)

$cgc-uploader/bin/ -t xxxxxAuthenticationKeyxxxxxx --project xiaowen/fda-seqc2-wg-1 --tag bamSurgeon --manifest-file $ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/file-manifest.tsv --manifest-metadata

Create a .meta file for each file to be uploaded (an example)


  "sample_id": "bwa.tumorDesignate_IL_N_2",

  "library_id": "bwa",

  "platform": "illumina HiSeq"
