Summer STEM Camps

There will be many exhibits for K-12 summer STEM camps at the 2023 STEM Fair

LLCC College for Kids has many summer STEM program options for all ages

Lincoln Memorial Garden each summer hosts Ecology Camps for K-8 students

Millikin University will have an exhibit featuring its Robotics Camp and its Chemistry/Biochemistry Camp run by college professors.  Last year in just one week, students in the Chem/Biochem camp (experience not required) completed 18 different projects and over 100 experiments on their way to a special project presentation at the end of the week to family and friends.

The University of Illinois WYSE Summer Camps schedule was released on January 30 with over 20 options covering a wide range of science and engineering disciplines for middle and high school students.  Who knew high school students could get involved in nuclear engineering?  You can at WYSE Summer Camps.

Kidzeum offers a range of STEM summer camps

Illinois State University hosts the Illinois Summer Research Academy where high school students can do research next to college professors!