Fitness Facts


Jess's Zumba Links

There are going to be four folders:

Single Song (Meaning one routine with one song)

Routines (Routines that I have made in various lengths)

Custom Routines (Routines I have custom made for others)

Favorites (My personal favorite songs and routines)


For Songs They will be titled the name of the song and then the length of the song. (For Example: Boom Boom Pow (4:15)) Some of them may be in Spanish. If you attend Zumba class, unless you know the name of a song you like, it really is just best to listen and watch the song to see if you like it. The time is more for me to know when I am putting together a video of a specific what songs will fit.

In this folder, there is another folder titled "WUCD" this is a specific folder with songs that will be used for warm ups or cool downs. The songs will still be titled, with WU or CD after the title.

Some songs have more than one routine for them. They will be labeled as "Song Name# (mm:ss)" so make sure to pay attention to that if you like the song but not the routine!


For Routines They will be titled: #Letter with (WUCD)

For example 60A with WU

This would mean this is a 60 min video, titled A, and it has a WU (CD would be cool down)

Zumba Files

Why strength training is important

Strength Training Exercises





Bicep Curls

Triceps Kick-backs

Standing Leg Lifts

Jumping Jack



Reference Guide to Stretching

Basic Stretching Routine

Advanced Stretching Routine

7 Benefits of Daily Exercise

1. Lose Weight


The first benefit is what we are here for. To lose weight. The process of exercising burns calories which are stored as fat. As fat is consumed as a fuel to power your muscles, your fat stores are depleted. If you consume less calories in a day than you burn, you lose weight. We will look at this later.

2. Strengthen your cardio-vascular system (heart and lungs)


Working out requires oxygen, which combines with the fat to provide fuel for your muscles. As you use your heart and lungs to provide the oxygen, they get stronger and work more efficiently due to the increased stress they are under.

3. Reduce Stress


Letting off some steam through exercise releases endorphins into the blood stream, which is a chemical used by the body to deal with pain. Endorphins produced as the result of exercise are similar in structure to morphine, a powerful pain killer. So endorphin can cause a state of "happiness" and improve the mood of the person exercising.

4. Reduce depression and anxiety symptoms


Again, the release of endorphins into the body can cause an elevation of your mood. Also, looking better due to exercise should make you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence.

5. Combat chronic disease


Studies have proven that exercise can help manage high blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of getting Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer. Certainly a good reason to exercise!

6. Improve sleep


Increased exercise burns excess energy and stress during the day, so your body is more likely to want to rest to recover at night.

7. Improve the Quality of your Life


If you choose to do the type of exercise that you enjoy, you should improve the quality of your life through the actual activity, with the flow of improvement in your health, you will have increased energy for other activities, and maybe even improve your social life if you exercise with others