Activity Descriptions

Here are some descriptions to help you understand what's happening on the Geckos team!


Our GECKO BOOT CAMP will offer a different challenge every OTHER WEEK. We will focus on one healthy habit for TWO weeks. This will include drinking your water, eating your Freggies and exercising!


There will be a different WEEKLY CHALLENGE (to be completed any four days you choose) EVERY week. These challenges will be issued by the BLC administration (and all teams in the BLC will participate). Details for these can be found on the Weekly Challenge page.


There will be a TNT (Tone and Tighten) challenge every week. These challenges focus on strength training.


There will be an LCW (Last Chance Workout) challenge every Tuesday. These challenges focus on fitness minutes. Any type of fitness (cardio, strength training, yoga) counts! The purpose of this challenge is to burn off as many calories as possible before the weigh-in on Wednesday.


You may periodically see a GOYB (Get Off Your Booty) or a GOYBAD (Get Off Your Booty and Dance) challenge. Anyone on the team can issue a GOYB or GOYBAD. They are short (less than 5 minute) challenges to get you moving.


EVERYONE is invited to share health, fitness and nutrition information on the CHAT thread! We are a TEAM and working TOGETHER. If you learn something, share it! If you read something interesting, share it! Please feel free to share links to good blogs, recipes, articles, etc on the CHAT thread.


Most days, a Question of the Day (QOTD) will appear on the CHAT thread as well. These questions are used to help us get to know each other better. Anyone can issue a QOTD and everyone is encouraged to answer them!