
The Groovy Geckos are fun-loving and energetic with a zeal and commitment to developing healthy life-long nutritional and fitness habits.

Our weekly activities will include Weigh-In Wednesday, Tone and Tighten, Weekly Challenges, Healthy Habit Boot Camp, and Last Chance Workout Tuesdays. These activities are designed to help you develop OR reinforce a healthy lifestyle in a motivational yet fun way. Expect to change from the inside out as a Gecko!

As a Gecko, you will not be allowed to camouflage and hide in the background. Our team is FAMILY. As a family, we will be encouraged to share openly, rally around each other through struggles and celebrate in our victories.

Our team is also about effecting CHANGE. We will concentrate on lifestyle changes focusing on fitness, nutrition, and healthy choices. To accomplish this we expect 100% participation and dedication to our team! This participation includes a willingness to track your own progress, involvement in ALL of the challenges, and daily communication with the team. Your contribution will create a team spirit, build confidence, and result in an enjoyable and successful experience for you and our team.

Prepare to get your GRoOVe on!

Credit to former Gecko Pam (HAWTGRANNY2014) for this awesome acrostic!

Geckos are ready to roll

Each has their own SMART goal

Come on gang; let's go like fire

Keep on winning; don't expire

Only we can help ourselves win

So let's go - fight and try again