
Summer/Fall 2018 & Winter 2019

Summer/Fall 2018 & Winter 2019 Newsletter

Hi Neighbors,

As we shovel out from our March 2019 snowstorm, summer 2018 seems far away. But the Green Hill Neighborhood Association had a busy and fun-filled summer.

We launched our first annual Free Summer Concert Series. With the help of Park Spirit Worcester, we provided family fun and entertainment with July concerts on Sundays in Green Hill Park. Free of charge, we enjoyed great music overlooking the big pond. Green Hill Park Coalition,our district city councilor, Candy Mero Carlson, and the Bridge of Central Massachusetts were some of the sponsors of the 2018 series. We hope to offer it again this year.

Our annual block party in August was held in conjunction with the Youth Grow Kids from the Regional Environmental Council. The kids shared their produce and delicious side dishes while the GHNA manned the grill. The women of the Linda Fay Griffin House served as hostesses. Youth Grow provided many fun activities for the kids. We had music, visits from our elected officials, and the Worcester Police and Fire Departments and many Worcester agencies joined us with information tables. Highlights of the block party included neighbor Nancy Callendar being given a key to the city and a proclamations from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a special visit from our own Miss Massachusetts! Among the comments was this one: "The best block party ever!" Thank you to our many sponsors!

The GHNA has just been notified that we have been awarded the transportation-justice grant that we applied for. We hope to use the grant to RE–IMAGINE lower Lincoln Street, from the Burncoat split to the Nativity school. We will be looking at walking, cross walks, safety, and other concerns as the year goes on. Come share your ideas! We need neighborhood participation in order to make this worthwhile.

Stay tuned neighbors! Spring is coming and we have big plans!

There is a link on the website to Next Door, which is a community bulletin/message board. Check it out! There is a lot of free information-sharing that is available for our Green Hill and Bell Hill neighborhoods.

Thanks always to St. Bernard’s Church for giving us a home. We meet there the last Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Please join us.

As always, we ask for your input, ideas, suggestions. We will need help for our picnic, our summer concerts, and any additional clean-ups we plan. Let us know what you would like to see for projects, guest speakers, and any other ideas for the community.

Our neighborhood is a diverse and vibrant one, and we want everyone to feel included.

Think Spring!

Your Leadership Team