JNL: Math and Sports

Math and sports go hand in hand multiple ways. Like discussing a players statistics, a coaches formula for drafting certain players, or even a judges score for an athlete, math is involved. Even in ways such as the likelihood of a team winning.

There is a lot of estimation, distance, and probability in sports. Players often have to make a game plan before playing in a game, and they must calculate certain formulas or methods in order to win. Like how much force is needed to shoot into a basketball goal that is 10 feet high, or how much distance and how fast a football player must run to score a touchdown.

Statistics is especially essential for analyzing a game of any type of sport. For players, statistics can be used to determine individual strengths and weaknesses. Tables and graphs are commonly used to summarize sports statistics. Standings for teams and leagues are often summarized in tables, and historical data about a sport or event is often shown through graphs.

When players utilize math and geometry, it can play a crucial role in playing sports. While playing a game, players often use quick and basic math involuntarily to make smart moves on fields or courts. To go into specifics, a player can face their opponent directly, giving the player greater space to move on either side. Mathematics can also be used to decide how to stand while going on defense. The more you bend your knees, the quicker you can move. It’s fascinating that everything involves math, even sports.

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Math has an extremely important relationship with sports. Even if it is the most simple of math, it is still important to sports because a sport is a competition between people or teams. Your scores have to be measured in order to be compared to the other team or person. This requires simple math like addition in most sports. However, it is also used in more in depth ways, ways like analysis and statistics.

Analytics and statistics are also used throughout every sport. In basketball and football, stats are recorded like passing yards or assists. Analytics are perhaps the most in-depth way that math is used in sports, and they are being used more and more. Coaches and scouts use them to judge players or prepare against an rival team. Scouts may be looking for a three point shooter but use analytics to determine that the player they are scouting only shoots three pointers 20% of the time. Coaches can use analytics to see that the team they may be playing passes 70% of the time and when they do pass they usually go to a certain reciever. This information can be used to formulate a defense that can help a team win. Math is also used in sports reporting, for example ESPN uses stats all of the time, even if you may think they aren't important, they still use math.

From simple addition and subtracting to complicated formulas, math is used all throughout sports, and it is very important to sports. The fundamentals of sports and competition rely on math. Math is used calculate scores and help develop game plans that can help teams win. It can also be used in sports reporting to spread news and information about sports.

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Sports is not commonly associated with math. But the beauty of math is that it can apply to anything. Sports such as football, hockey, soccer, chess, and swimming all have math involved in some form or another. Math is associated in many ways with sports. It can range from the basic counting of pieces to complex formations based on geometry. Math is not just a part of sports, it is essential to sports.

Basic arithmetic is essential in any activity, but it is incredibly important in sports. Keeping score or time is a necessity. For example the game of chess. In chess, there is a timer. An individual needs to know how much time is left and have to calculate timing. But basic arithmetic can also include percentages and ratios. In baseball, percentages are used to calculate what players to get on a team. Percentages are commonly used on talk shows for sports in order to see which player is better than others. Ratios are also used to see what players are better and more apt in skill areas.

Geometry is an essential part of many sports as well. In designing soccer or football stadiums, designers have to make sure they are symmetrical and pleasing to the eye. But stadium design is not the only use of geometry in sports. In baseball, the bat is shaped in such a way that an individual is able to hit the ball effectively. Geometry is essential in sports design.

Math is an integral aspect of sports design and talk. Talk shows and engineers alike use math in sports. Math can fit into anything and the math of sports is another one of those categories. Math has been used from talk shows to on the field in sports.


Soccer, or Futbol as most enthusiasts call it, takes the crown as the most played and watched sport across the globe. Soccer requires excellent knowledge, skill and athleticism which can all be converted into mathematical equations.

As a spectator of the game, we can get caught being mesmerized by the fancy footwork. In doing so we are ignoring what is actually happening all together, angles. Geometry is a consistent factor throughout the match. While running on the field, players must instantly calculate what the best angle to their man and the ball will be. If an improper conclusion is determines in that moment, it could cost their team the match. Once they have found the angle that is to be made, they use their athletic skills to execute their decision. Every shot take is full of geometrical equations. The player taking the shot will adjust their foot and leg to strike the ball at a certain angle to avoid the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper will make an instantaneous decision on how to prevent the ball from entering the net, thus taking the proper angle with their body.

Soccer only provides more evidence that math is a valuable aspect in all sports. Math can be a component in all sports very existence and how we play them today. So as an athlete, if you want to get better at your craft don’t forget about practicing math. It just might help you get the victory.
