JNL: A World Without Math

The world is full of math. So much of life revolves around complex calculations and simple counting, that it leads one to wonder. What would the world be like if not even the simplest of math had been created?

The most obvious place that comes to mind when discussing this inquiry is the classroom. If math never existed, math would certainly not be a subject taught and neither would physics, but this goes much deeper than this. At the next level science would be affected, for without the measurement and recording of data, science is only preforming tests without results. Further down is history, without any way to track time there would be no way to accurately recall timing of historical events, and it would be reduced to simply that the event happened. Even the school building probably would not exist because there is no way to create and test a reliable structure, limiting teaching to basic structures made out of simple materials.

Outside the classroom are where the real changes start. As previously mentioned, complex buildings are not an option leaving us living and working in thatch huts and other buildings of that level of simplicity. Going further, there would be no currency, stopping anything past simple trading from occurring, leading to something like the cast system. A system where people work directly for the person above them with the only payment being just enough resources to survive. Assuming that not even the most basic of math exists, there would be no calendar with only the general seasons giving farmers an idea of when to plant and harvest crops.

In summary, the world without mathematics would be a world where there was seldom ever change, stuck a society living in straw huts and guessing about the seasons. A world unable to produce any sort of scientific achievement beyond simple inventions, and a world of the poor constantly working for the rich, never ceasing. This is certainly something to remind yourself the next time you are sitting board in math class, for even though you may question math's importance, it truly is integral to the world as it is today.

--- PB

If this world were to cease to have math, everything would be very different. For example almost everything in the world uses math. Most people cook, drive cars, ride on buses, use technology, and so much more. All of those things involve math. While they don't just require math, it was a big part of their creation.

Technology was created using math. So were cars, buses, planes, bikes, and boats. They had to figure out how everything would fit together, and how they would physically move. Those are just a few example of things that involve math. Our clothes are designed using math, our houses were also designed with math, and so was most things that decorate our houses. Imagine you wanted some nice chicken for dinner, so you decided to throw it in the oven, but wait there is no oven because there is no math. Without math we wouldn't have ovens or stoves to cook our food to prevent us from getting sick.

Long story short, without math our world would be nowhere. Considering math was even used in Ancient Roman Times we would be so less developed. They used it to design buildings, bridges, and their aqueducts. If math was necessary even back then imagine how much more important it is now. Without it we wouldn’t have electricity, plumbing, houses, or anything really.

--- SG

A world in which we as a human race never discovered math is unbelievably difficult to imagine, mainly due to the fact that a majority of our culture would be completely changed.

Math has been evident in everyday life since ancient times. There is proof that the people of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia used math to create their beautiful and complicated cities and towns. Without their discoveries of math, we would not have any clear form of civilization or society. Ancient peoples used math to create calendars, predict weather, cook, build, grow crops, write, communicate, and understand and figure out the world around them. Without math, we would not have the modern luxuries we have become accustomed to. We would not have phones, computers, or any other types of technology. We would not even have electricity. We would not be able to travel anywhere without the help of animals or our own two feet, and even then, we would not know if we are going the right way. We would not even know how many feet we have because counting is a part of mathematics as well.

Many people do not love, or even like, math, but without it, we as humans would be lost.

--- KO

We can't live in a world without math. Math has shaped our world to what it is today. Math created physics, chemistry and engineering. Those are many things we rely on. Math also helps us to understand phenomenas and looking at the real world.

In daily life, if there would be no math, then calendars and time wouldn't even exist. All the days in your life would be the same and you wouldn't know what the year is. If you were at the store and saw a video game you liked, how would you know how much it costs? Let's say you want to redecorate your room. You would not know how much paint is required and how many tiles would be needed. Algebra would be very useful then. Economics would not even exist if it were for numbers. How would you measure the values of goods and services? And trading would not be possible. If their were no numbers then employment would be a problem. People working as engineers, architects and math professors would not have jobs.

So in conclusion, math is necessary for life. Life without math is just unimaginable and impossible. We depend on math for our every day lives and for our future.

--- LQ