We need your Help

With the support of many civic, religious, and educational leaders, a non-profit organization, Fight the New Drug, is bringing pornography awareness education to our area. The Fight the New Drug presentation uses peer-reviewed scientific research to educate youth and adult about the dangers of pornography to individuals, families, and society - but especially youth. We are hoping this starts a conversation that lasts much longer than this one community event.

We need your help!

Donate. Share. Support.

One way you can support us is financially. We need money to bring Fight the New Drug to California. Our goal is $5,000 so we can put on a quality event, but even small donations would make such an amazing impact. Any amount of money that exceeds our goal would be put toward this movement against pornography that is just getting started in California. You can donate in our donation section of this site.

We need everyone to share information about our event and spread the word through social media. Like us on Facebook here.

Our main purpose is extending invitations to people in the community to attend this event. This means YOU! This event is vital to the success of our movement, so please invite, attend and spread the word. To join the conversation, get updates and learn more, sign up here. More details for the event are available on the home page.

If everyone does these three things, we will be well on our way to starting a conversation about the dangers of pornography to our children and youth in the Orange County area.