Why such a big deal? It doesn't seem like a problem in our area.

This is more widespread and destructive than it may appear. Because it is not talked about, being somewhat taboo, it silently goes undetected affecting the lives of many of our children. Children at younger and younger ages are exposed to pornographic material and it is not uncommon among our students. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys2n8NpKo6s for a history of the pornography and the the new anti-porn movement.

Who is part of your coalition?

Civic leaders, religious leaders, educational leaders, businesses, and private individuals in Orange County. The goal is to start a conversation about how to to better educate our youth on the dangers of pornography. Let's start talking and see where it goes. ... You can be a part too. Join the Conversation here.

How much money do you need?

We need over $5000 to bring Fight the New Drug's educational presentation to our area and begin the conversations among influential community leaders about how to educate families on the dangers of pornography for their youth and children. Help us get started. Donate here.