
I am Parker. I am a student, a volleyball player, and I am also a candidate for Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. My eagle project is something that is really important to me. Pornography has affected many people I know in a negative way. For my project, I am bringing a non-profit organization called Fight the New Drug to our area to provide an assembly regarding the harmful effects of porn. They use education, peer reviewed scientific research, to show the harmful effects of pornography. (See more about them below.) I am also starting a coalition of active civic, educational, and religious leaders to begin a conversation about the dangers of pornography and how to better educate our youth going forward.

Please Join the Conversation. I would love to hear from you.


I am Kristi. I am a highschool student and a friend of Parker. I first heard about Fight the New Drug when I saw a movie called The Abolitionists. This movie is about an organization called Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), in which a group teams up with high ranking services and police forces to go undercover in different countries as sex traffickers to rescue victims of sex trafficking and arrest the traffickers (find out more at ourrescue.org). I spoke with a director of the movie, asking what a high school student like me could do to help those who are victim to sex trafficking, and that's when I heard about Parker's eagle project. Pornography causes so much evil in this world, and finding out that it affects the brain so intensely to the point of sex trafficking makes me want to do as much as I can to fight it. As a student who is surrounded by peers who are carelessly captivated by pornography, I ask for your help. Please help us change the conversation about society's silent drug by attending and sharing our event to bring the facts of the effects of pornography to light.

Fight the new drug

Learn more at FTND.org


Presentation Guide