


サークル名の Farios(ファリオス)とは、フランス語で美しく敏捷的な鱒の仲間(魚)の意味です。私たちが理想とするテニスのイメージです。

毎週土曜日 08:00 ~ 10:00 にパリ郊外のテニスコート                         (インドアクレー)で練習しています。

見学,参加希望はいつでも受け付けています。興味のある方は までメール

又は 連絡先・Contact のページの連絡フォームをご記入ください。

Just a bit of information

Our club name Farios is the name of a member of the trout family that is particularly beautiful and agile, two qualities that we like to associate with Tennis.

Currently, we are playing every saturday morning from 08:00 ~ 10:00 on indoor clay courts outside of Paris.

If you would like to have a look at our sessions, or join our club, please contact us at, or use the contact form on the 連絡先・Contact page.






A word by one of the Team Founder

32 years ago, the Japanese Association of Paris only had a softball tournament.

With another friend who really loves Tennis, I went to the Japanese Association to and received permission to organize a tennis tournament with the condition that at least ten teams participate. 

In 1986, we organized the first Tennis tournament with 11 teams. In the beginning I was part of the Echo Sports Club, but because of ever increasing membership, at some point, we decided to split up the team. 

In 2001, our club FARIOS was born.

In 2018, Farios was crowned Champion for the first time ever.