Research Projects

I am/was the principal investigator of the following research projects:

  1. "Hamiltonian actions on stacks, equivariant cohomology and localization". Fapesp Regular Grant 2022/092343. Starting October 2022 (2 years)

  2. "Algebraic methods in geometry and topology". CNPq Research Fellowship 315502/2020-7. Starting March 2021 (4 years).

  3. "Lefschetz fibrations, Lie groupoids and Noncommutative Geometry". Fapesp-Conicyt Grant 2019/13204-4. Collaboration between Sao Paulo and Chile (Finished).

  4. "Contact and Poisson Geometry". Fapesp Grant 2019/14434-9. Participation in Scientific Meetings. (Finished).

  5. "Cohomology of stacks via representations up to homotopy". Fapesp Doctoral Project 2015/01698-7. Student: Fernando Studzinski. (Finished).

  6. “Generalized Geometric Structures in Equivariant Poisson Geometry”. Fapesp Regular Grant. 2016-2018 (Finished).

  7. “Estruturas Geométricas Generalizadas em Geometria de Poisson Equivariante”. Auxílio aos Novos Docentes - University of Sao Paulo. 2016-2018 (Finished).

  8. “Homotopy structures in Algebra and Geometry”. Universal Project CNPq. 2013-2016 (Finished).

I also participate(d) as a research member in the following projects:

  1. "Lie groupoids in Poisson Geometry". CNPq Universal Project. Together with A. Cabrera, M. del Hoyo, T. Drummond and M. Salazar.

  2. “Geometric Structures via Lie Theory”. SPRINT Project (Fapesp). Collaboration between the University of Sao Paulo and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2017-2018.

  3. “Poisson Geometry”. Pesquisador Visitante Especial (Rui Loja Fernandes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)- Ciência sem Fronteiras. CNPq. 2013-2016

  4. "Homotopy moment maps, deformation theory, singular foliations and Poisson topology". Pesquisador Visitante Especial (Marco Zambon - KU-Leuven) - Ciência sem Fronteiras. CNPq. 2014-2017

  5. “Factorization Algebras in Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Topology”. CAPES-COFECUB. Scientific collaboration between Brazil and France. 2013-2017