Beaverton school district background check

Beaverton school district background check

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In the District-wide Volunteer Management System (, all volunteers need to first complete an application and background check to create a profile in the system. Once a profile is created, volunteers will be able to update personal information, view and sign-up for open volunteer needs, and communicate directly with the school Volunteer Coordinator. Volunteers will be able to use this profile from their first volunteer activity to their last.

The District is moving to a system wide Volunteer Management System. Click here for more information on Better Impact. The integration of the Background Check with Better Impact will require a phased rollout of the program. The schools that were part of the selection and review process will be pilot schools beginning August/September 2015. All schools and volunteers will transition to Volunteer Impact by June 2016.

The PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) exists to support the school by organizing volunteers for various programs and by providing finiancial support through fundraising. Additional funds are necessary for quality education during these lean times. We've previously provided funding for in-classroom teacher support, new computers and software, artist in residence, field trips and much more.

Parent volunteers are a valuable asset at Southridge and are coordinated by our wonderful Parent Teacher Organization. Please check the Southridge PTO website? for all volunteer information. For the safety of both students and staff, anyone who volunteers in a Beaverton school to work among students must complete a simple Background Check before beginning their volunteer service.

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