Bci ohio background check

Bci ohio background check

A background check contains the information you are interested in! Merely type in a name. You will get instantaneous access to contact details, criminal records, police arrest information, mobile phone number history, street addresses, licenses, marital life as well as divorce cases details, residence historical past, court filings, and a lot more.

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UC Public Safety provides background checks and fingerprinting services for licensing and other needs, for both members of the University community as well as the general public. We use an electronic system called “WebCheck" which electronically scans an applicant’s fingerprints and sends them to the Ohio Bureau of Identification for a check of the applicant’s state record. The prints can also be forwarded to the FBI, if necessary, for a national background check.


Ohio BCI is no longer accepting inked fingerprint cards for civilian background checks. Fingerprints may be submitted to Ohio BCI using scanned fingerprints only via WebCheck, an internet/PC based electronic print system. For a list of locations utilizing WebCheck, click on the following link:


WebCheck is an electronic fingerprint background check and is used by agencies for a more comprehensive background check. This check is an actual criminal history background check. Individuals must appear in person and must bring a photo ID, preferably an Ohio driver’s license with their date of birth.


The Cincinnati Police Department is now offering electronically scanned (Webcheck) fingerprinting services to the public (manually printed cards are not available). These services are by appointment only and only on-line payments will be accepted. Please follow the payment instructions before scheduling an appointment for fingerprints.


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