Grade 2 Jokes

3/23/20 from Irene: Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?

answer: Yes, because a house can't jump at all!

3/24/20 from Christian: How do ninjas say hello?

answer: Hi-YAH!

from Norah: What kind of car does Yoda drive?

answer: A toyoda!

from Molly: Why did the pony get sent to his room?

answer: because he was horsing around!

3/25/20 from Lillanna: Knock, Knock

who's there?


A E who?

A E I owe you a dollar!!

from Kelsey: What did the American flag say to the President?

answer: Nothing, it just waved!

from Ben: What has teeth but no cavities? answer: a comb!

Charlotte: Why did the corn get mad at the farmer?

answer: Because he was pulling his ear!

3/26 from Ava: Why aren't dogs good dancers?

answer" because they have 2 left feet!!

from Emily: What do you get from a pampered cow?

answer: Spoiled milk!!

from Maxim: Knock, knock

who's there?

cows go

cows go who?

cows go mooo!

3/27 from Mrs. Osborn: How do rabbits get their ears to stand up? answer: They use hare spray!

3/31 from Christian: Why did the superhero flush the toilet? answer: Because it was his doody.

4/1 from Ben: (This is a good one!) What's the tallest building in every city?

answer: The library, because it has so many stories!!

5/6 from Christian: Where can you watch the World Origami championships?

answer: Paperview