4/15/20 - 4/17/20

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Kathleen McLaughlin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Second Grade Music Meeting!

Time: Apr 17, 2020 11:00 AM until 11:30

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 934 2785 5090

Password: 4BNp7v

Class work for 4/15/20 - 4/17/20


Wed. 4/15 We Believe pp 307 - 309 Easter

Thurs 4/16 We Believe pp 310 - 312 Easter

Fri 4/17 write the word ALLELUIA in bubble letters, then decorate it so it looks like a stained glass window. You can use either just crayons and markers or you can tear little pieces of construction paper. Hang your beautiful artwork somewhere special!

Don't forget to watch Mass on TV or on a computer!


Wed. 4/15 workbook pp 195 - 196 Don't forget to play First in Math!

Thurs. 4/16 Textbook pp 417 - 420 Choose a measurement tool

Fri. 4/17 workbook pp 197 - 198 practice choosing a measurement tool



Wed. 4/15 On Think Central read "Half Chicken"

Thurs 4/16 On Think Central read "The Lion and the Mouse"


Wed. 4/15 add spelling words from list 24 to your copybook dictionary

Thurs 4/16 RN p. 130

Fri 4/17 RN p. 136


Wed. 4/15 add the vocabulary words from "Half Chicken" to your copybook dictionary

Thurs 4/16 RN p. 138 Antonyms


Wed. 4/15 Reader's Notebook p. 127 Prefixes re-, un-, over-, pre-, mis-

Fri 4/17 RN p. 129 prefixes (oops not 128 - sorry!)


Thurs. 4/16 RN p. 128 Irregular Action Verbs

Handwriting - write this sentence 2x's in your SW copybook:

Wed 4-15: Molly and Maddie went on an Easter egg hunt.

Thurs 4/16: Grace and Sofia picked flowers.