Using Footnotes

yWriter doesn't support footnotes, but there is a way to include them when you're intending to export to LaTeX (and from there, to PDF).

Hal lived aboard a deep space freighter which was permanently attached to the side of Space Station Oberon*<TEX \footnote { * \emph{Hal Junior: The Secret Signal}} /TEX>. The freighter would never fly again, but the old cabins could still be used for living areas and storage space. The ship hadn't been there long and workers were still busy with the conversion, which meant Hal encountered new signs and detours every morning.

Note the section between <TEX and /TEX>, which is where we create the footnote. This is what it looks like in the exported PDF file:

You can use this alternative for footnotes without numbering:


Remember you can include any HTML and LaTeX code between these tags, and it will be saved to the relevant export file as-is. Note that you must include a space after the opening tag ("<TEX ", and not "<TEX") and another before the closing tag (" /TEX>" and not "/TEX>")