Recently at Waggoners

Sadly, although we did not know it at the time, due to Lockdown restrictions, our meeting on Monday 16th March 2020 was to be our last for just about 18 months. Happily, we were able to reopen Waggoners on Monday 6th September 2021 and we look forward to dancing together again every week.

Here is what we did on our last night of dancing before we had to close.

Monday 16th March 2020 - During the afternoon the Government had decreed that social contact should be strictly limited but it was too late to cancel Club tonight so just over two squares came along to dance to Simon and Andrew (Trudy was away visiting her mother in Dorset). Although low in numbers we had a fun evening with Simon and Andrew calling alternate tips. Andrew later reflected that maybe his opening singing call about the good dying young hadn't been, in the words of the late Kenny Everett, "in the best possible taste"! After the break Simon made the sad but necessary announcement that the Club would be closing for the foreseeable future with immediate effect. He reassured everyone that Waggoners would re-open as soon as Government restrictions allowed. He also offered to announce which Saturday night dances would not now be happening!

Bob then presented Simon with a card signed by all the members and a hastily bought box of chocolates in connection with Simon and Trudy's 30th (Pearl) Wedding Anniversary next month. As is the new "norm" they elbow bumped rather than shaking hands! It had been our intention to make the presentation next week when Trudy would be back but outside influences had intervened! To cheer everyone up after the sad news, Simon put on "Y.M.C.A." and had everyone dancing around complete with actions with Andrew partnering our Treasurer, David.

Andrew joined Simon for the last singing call of the evening for a duet of "I really want to see you tonight". Andrew and Simon then wished us all "good night" and especially "good health" until we could all be back together dancing again.