July 2023

Dancing to Simon

Dancing to Simon

Our more experienced dancers demonstrating how to "Recycle"

Monday 3rd July 2023 - Trudy had family commitments this evening so Simon called for us on his own. He revised how to "Scoot Back", "Half Tag" and "Recycle" and then taught the Students how to "Walk and Dodge".

Penny was our guest caller and her patter featured "Cross Fold" followed by a singing call of  "Que Sera, Sera". It was Bob and Penny's wedding anniversary today and they brought cakes and biscuits for everyone to share after we had sung the "Happy Anniversary" song to them.

Monday 10th July 2023 - Trudy was back from holidaying on the Isle of Wight with her mother and, along with Simon, introduced Jenny and Dennis (the only Students present this evening) to "Thars". We were very pleased to welcome our visitors, Sandy's daughter, Amber, and Melani and Uta, two ladies from Germany. David was our guest caller this evening and gave us "Just Walk on By" as his singing call. He was honoured to be asked by Melani and Uta to sign their Caller "Friendship Books" - popular on the Continent and signed by any different caller danced to by a dancer.

Monday 17th July 2023 - On a warm evening we danced three squares to Trudy and Simon. We were pleased to welcome back Michael, who has been unwell, and Janet and Paul G, who were visiting us from Tudor Squares. The move "Half Tag" was revised and then Trudy went on to teach Caitie and Ruth, who were not present last week, about "Thars". Penny was our guest caller tonight and she gave us "Summer Holiday" as her singing call.

Friday 21st July - Saturday 22nd July 2023 - Janet, Bob, Penny, Jackie, David, Maggie, Keith, Barbara, Brian and Ann went to the B.A.A.S.D.C. 70th Birthday celebrations in Rugby and danced to Di Green, Kevin Lovell, Paul Bristow, Neil Whiston, Granville Spencer, Leah Tinsdeall and many more.  Also at the celebrations were Melani and Uta, our German visitors from earlier this month. They told Janet and David that in the sixteen days they had been in the U.K., they had managed to dance at 14 clubs. 

Monday 24th July 2023 - Simon was feeling under the weather tonight so Trudy called for us on her own and for the benefit of Karen, who has been away on holiday, taught "Thars" while also recapping some of the moves the newer dancers were finding tricky. David was our guest caller this evening and gave us "Just Walk on By" as his singing call. We are looking to forward to "Completion" evening next week.

Trudy and Glenys

Bob, Caitie, Trudy and Simon

Bob, Dennis, Trudy and Simon

Bob, Jenny, Trudy and Simon

Bob, Karen, Trudy and Simon

Bob, Ruth, Trudy and Simon

Dancing 31 July 2023

Danicing 31 July 2023

         Trudy with Joyce and Michael                              Joyce and Michael                       Bob, Dennis, Caitie, Jenny, Karen, Trudy, Ruth and Simon

Monday 31st July 2023 "Completion" evening - It was a busy night with four squares dancing to Trudy and Simon, with guest tips by David and Penny who had both attended a Caller School  in Oxfordshire over the weekend where, among other things, they were given ideas on how to improve their "Showmanship".

The first presentation was to Glenys who received a replacement Waggoners Club badge. Next Caitie, Dennis, Jenny, Karen and Ruth were called up individually to receive their Waggoners Club badges, "Completion" certificates, "Welcome to Square Dancing" letter from David Eagland, the B.A.A.S.D.C. President, and some information about Waggoners, and Square Dancing in general, from our Treasurer, David.

After cakes were shared to celebrate the "Completion", there was a further presentation of a card signed by all the members to Joyce and Michael who will be celebrating the 50th Wedding Anniversary in a few days time. This was followed by us all singing the "Happy Anniversary" song to the happy couple.