Origins: Atlantis

While many different theories have been put forward about the origins of the Illuminati, theories that say they date from the late 1700's (see: Adam Weishaupt) are weak and I'd say are more designed to throw us off target, than anything else.

Making a sudden jump from the mid 1700's to Atlantis (which is supposed to be somewhere back in 10,000 BC) is a bit extreme, even for me. But, when we really, truly look into the issue, we ultimately trace this group all the way back to Atlantis, without failure! Aside from information that has come to me through my channelings, I will also provide "hard" evidence, by pointing you to many other peoples' research on this topic that is available. We will endeavour, by combining all of these resources, to finally show the New Age community (and eventually the world, at large) that indeed the Illuminati are much, much older than we care to imagine.

This is as vital as letting people know the truth about early Christianity, or about Aquarius. It is simply something that needs to be known and exposed, in its entirety, because the "air of mystery" that surrounds the Illuminati is one of their greatest psychological tricks they like using on us. If we knew exactly where they came from, how they were first created and what their main sources of power are, then we wouldn't be so afraid of them and they would automatically lose much of their power by this fact alone.

See, these Illuminati fellows, they're a lot like the Wizard of Oz: they are experts at making us believe that they're all powerful! And, as I said above, one of their favoured methods of doing this is by obscuring their true origins and hiding the truth about it behind layers and layers of bullshit disinformation and smokescreens (one of them being the Adam Weishaupt lie).

How did it all begin?

Much of what I will describe here, is taken directly from unreleased channeling material that I have. I honestly do believe that this is the best explanation we have ever been given, until now, regarding the Illuminati's true origins, even though I can understand that some may believe I am saying this simply because I am biased. I can assure you that I am not, since I don't actually claim ownership of the information I get through my Trance Channelings and Automatic Writings. I treat the information as I would anyone else's and, if I believed it wasn't genuine, I would never release it and this site and the you tube videos wouldn't exist. However, this information impressed me greatly and, since there is practically zero info about the Illuminati's origins to be found anywhere else, I decided to present what I was given to the world. So, with that out of the way, we can now begin our story... Atlantis was once a magnificent and powerful civilization. It was the most highly evolved civilization of its day and had grown to include many colonies around the world. You could think of it as being the America, or the British Empire, of it's time. Indeed, amongst the occultists, who founded America, it (America) was also known to them as "the New Atlantis". So, clearly, there has been a direct stream of knowledge stemming clear back to Atlantean times. This is how Plato knew about it, this is how the various secret societies knew about it and also how the founding fathers of America knew about it. Atlantis is a very well guarded secret of the Illuminati; possibly second only to the Satanic Rituals they perform. It doesn't immediately make sense as to why Atlantis needs to be such a big secret for them, but you will understand why (just as I did) when you read this whole page through. While the time-frame doesn't really matter that much, just so we can have a frame of reference, we will place our story at around 10,500 BC, which is also about the time that Plato placed the destruction of the great Island Empire. While Atlantis may have existed for millennia before this time, this is immaterial, because what concerns us here is the period that the Illuminati first rose to power, inadvertently bringing with them the demonic infestation that has now nearly devoured the whole earth. The important thing to understand is that the concepts we know today as "New Age", were mainstream in Atlantis. Everybody knew Reincarnation was real, everybody practiced Crystal Healing (which was especially popular in that culture), etc. So getting access to advanced Spiritual Knowledge wasn't very difficult, since topics that we now consider as Occult, were being taught at School, as part of the regular curriculum, in Atlantis. Many New Age writers, Occultists and Channellers today, talk about how the West is returning back to its Atlantean roots, with the New Age Movement serving as the vehicle. Indeed most, if not all, Light-workers have lived in Atlantis, during a previous life, and many have a very strong connection to this mythical land, innately knowing that it existed. All these people were most probably involved in the downfall of this great Empire and, pursuant to Karmic Law, have now returned to restore it to its former glory, albeit done right this time. By the way, now is a good time to mention that the Founding Fathers' concept of the New Atlantis need not be equated with an "evil" Atlantis. Because, sadly, there are quite a few "researchers" out there that are rather confused on this point and believe that the idea behind founding a "New Atlantis" was to re-create the very evil that Atlantis had become just before its downfall. This is not the case and it is a huge misunderstanding.

The Founding Fathers wanted to create a nation that had the potential to re-ignite the waning flame of the Atlantean civilization; a nation that would represent everything good that Atlantis had to offer in its heyday. Of course, what we are faced with today in America (and the West at large) is an erosion of democracy and family values that approximates the abysmal state that Atlantis was in, before it self-destructed. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the same group that corrupted Atlantis is actively destroying the New Atlantis as well. But how did this group come about, is the question of this page.