What is the deal with that 2012 movie?!

Am I the only one that was suspect about the plot of this 2012 movie? It appears that nothing at all is said about the real truth regarding the December 2012 date in the plot, and many people will just buy into exactly what this "disaster movie" is insidiously selling them to! So, in order to reverse this negative trend as much as is humanly possible, I have created this page. We will analyze, in detail, how exactly the very positive vibes of the Aquarian Age will affect the Illuminati Black Magicians and why they are trying very hard to keep the planet trapped in a low emotional vibration, in a last vain attempt to stop the powerful Aquarian Age energies from gaining ground! Those who have never thought about this before, and think I'm out of my mind, need to read right through first and I promise you will never see this movie quite in the same light again! While we analyze all the brainwashing techniques of Hollywood, Television, Education, Religion, etc, elsewhere, on this page we need to focus on what world-wide effect this 2012 movie hoped to create. We must discuss a startling subliminal I found in the trailer, first, before we continue any further, however. This is sure to astound anyone! Notice that during 2:20 we are given a subliminal regarding John F. Kennedy. If we are to believe the theories about the Illuminati are indeed true, then it would stand to reason that the same group was involved in JFK's assassination, of course. Kennedy was a man on a mission and his mission was to derail the Illuminati plans one by one! Whether he was initially one of them and then turned against them, or he was always with the "good guys" from the start, is not relevant. We only care about what he was trying to accomplish. The Illuminati, however, didn't let him accomplish his mission...Here, this subliminal is speaking STRAIGHT INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, and is telling them that: "We killed Kennedy and that was the beginning of the destruction of the US Government. We are your Masters! And while we are not telling you overtly, this imagery will nevertheless speak directly to your Subconscious and you will somehow 'know' that this is true..."In the scene, the above statement is oh-so eloquently "imprinted" on the viewer's Subconscious by showing the USS Kennedy crushing the White house in a cataclysmic tidal wave. How convenient! Please, I dare someone to tell me that this is just a coincidence! Of all the things they could have shown, why construct this scene in that way??! And the only reason the whole world hasn't picked up on the meaning of this subliminal, of course, is:



But that's where this website (and others) comes in, so we can attempt to reverse all this insidious Mind Control. Because, truly, this is the Illuminati's greatest weapon, being that if they can control people's Minds, they can control the world!

Before we get into the horrendous plot of the film and why it was designed to create fear about the future, and maybe even a self-fulfilling prophecy, I need to point out one more scene in the trailer. This one is a classic! It's at 0:53 and it shows us that a crack appears in the ceiling of the Vatican just before we see the Vatican crashing down. But do you not find it strange that this crack appears just between the hand of God and Adam (from Michelangelo's Creation of Adam, a close-up of which is shown below)?

This scene is designed to implant something along these lines into the viewer's Subconscious:

"2012, if not the literal end of the world, will at least be the end of God. Enter Athesim!"

This would be in keeping, of course, with the Illuminati's obsessive desire to turn us all into Xanax-popping, Humanist/Atheist zombies! And, just in case you're wondering why on earth they would want to do that to us and might be seriously concerned for my sanity at this point, I'll be very clear then:

It is because a "zombified", atheist population is the easiest to control!

Think this over and you will see that it's true. And if you cannot see it right away, maybe try to imagine yourself as a ruler of a vast Empire and think up different types of societies and how easy or difficult they would each be to control. By process of elimination, I guarantee you, you will settle on the Atheistic, drug-numbed society if you wanted to have an easy life as an Emperor. Because what we are talking about really are robotic, materialistic-minded drones. This would be the result of the Humanist society the Illuminati are trying to create. All the while, of course, without the masses EVER knowing, these "divine" rulers will know all about the existence of the Higher Spiritual realities and the Laws that operate in those realms.

By such a fantastic arrangement (for them only), they would be able to control us very easily indeed. But wait...haven't they already been doing this very same thing for thousands of years now?! Well, yes they have as a matter of fact. This recent drive of theirs to make the population completely Atheistic, is but the latest manifestation of a millennia old plot to eliminate all knowledge of the Higher Realms form the public's hands for all time!! And the reason for this, just in case it all seems vague and irrelevant, is because if we had no knowledge of the Higher Realms, it would be our death-trap! It's the surest way to forever trap Man in this lowly Dimension! And this is exactly what these people are hoping for. However, their motivations for doing this may not immediately make sense. So, if you haven't already done so, please check this page, for a better understanding of the dark forces that control these people. Only then will this all make sense.

Why does the movie deliberately hide the truth about Dec 2012?

The image on the left is more like what a poster for a genuine "2012 movie" should've looked like instead of that horrid sight of Jesus' statue crumbling into a thousand pieces. Because, you see, the New Agers while a minority, are the ones who are right about 2012! All the December 2012 "prophecy" is about is a "New Era", or a "New Age" of seeing things differently in the world. That's all. And, according to the great Science of Astrology, the changes we will see are very desirable indeed. Very desirable to all but the Illuminati, of course! And the above sentence is the very reason they would so VICIOUSLY DISTORT THE TRUTH ABOUT 2012, IN THIS MOVIE!Why do the Illuminati fear the Age of Aquarius so much?

This picture is probably instantly recognizable as being from the 80ies show V. Those of you who don't know about the reptilian connection with the Illuminati may find this picture a strange choice. But I assure you that the picture is very fitting. This is not the page to get into the details about the reptilian connection, which is covered here but I will briefly explain what the fear of 2012 really boils down to. Whether most people believe the Aquarian Age is some "cheesy fad" or not, the truth of the matter is that it's a very serious thing and a very real phenomenon. While it has been repeated ad nauseam all over the net on sites similar to this, I will remind the reader again that this Age is all about revealing the Truth. That is the simplest answer to the question "what is the Aquarius Age?". All we are dealing with is a time on earth where the unknown will become known. There will be many revelations, having to do with many aspects of life.

Now, included in the mix of "revelations" is all the secret history and behind the scenes machinations of certain dominant and psychopathic families we have come to know as the Illuminati. These people know that they cannot possibly stop the incoming Cosmic Energies that are rapidly transforming the Mind of the planet, so all they do is resort to further and further suppression of Mankind. They are like cornered cats fighting their last desperate battle!

And the way they suppress us the best is by concealing or twisting important and empowering Truths. Knowledge is power, as we all know, so these guys keep the important knowledge from the masses. And the way this fits in with the 2012 film is that they use their beloved "brainwashing machine", Hollywood, to feed the masses with vile lies about what will really happen around the time of 2012.

Not once in the film do they mention anything positive about December 2012! There is nothing whatsoever said about the Consciousness Shift, about Indigo Children about the fact that the Aquarian Age is meant to be the "Golden Age of Truth". And I am pretty sure the term "Aquarian Age" is totally absent from the movie.

Now, think about it, if these people truly had our best interests at heart, why would they hide this great Truth about the Shift of the Ages? Why would they put out a movie that creates fear and perpetuates the false idea that the world will physically end?! Obviously it must bother them a little bit that around about Dec 2012 the Collective Consciousness will begin to break out of the current negative Mind patterns and start on a an ascending slant, towards a more peaceful, prosperous, free and enlightened existence. Surely, this must bother them. Otherwise there wouldn't be this extremely organized effort to keep the real Truth about Dec 2012 from the masses.

You must ask yourselves: "why is it that the only place I hear about the Aquarian Age and 2012 is the internet and New Age books?"

Do you not find it strange that there is nothing said about these things in Schools, on the News, in "documentaries", etc? Certainly if the Powers that Be would benefit, were the populace to avail themselves of this Gnosis, they would surely tell us, right? So, judging by the fact that they clearly ARE NOT telling us we can easily discern that something's not right.

And the crux of the problem is that these people, these families, they stand to lose much if they are faced with and Enlightened, empowered, awakened population! These families have built their empires on the suffering of others; the innocent blood they have spilled through the millennia, to make their unholy "blood-money" can fill entire rivers! So if this period of time on earth is truly meant to reveal their dark deeds and unmask them for the Vampiric marauders they really are, it means they must certainly dread the prospect of being found out. Considering this, isn't it rather suspect that they pretend that the Aquarian Age doesn't really exist?? I say "pretend'" because, in truth, they know very well about the purifying incoming Aquarian energies. But, as far as their mainstream information sources are concerned, there is not a sinlge mention of any "Golden Age" whatsoever! All we see is a repetition of the negative image of an impending Global Disaster. The amount of people that have actually bought into this is staggering and, frankly, quite frightening. But this is EXACTLY where the Illuminati want us to be!

Because, contrary to what they desperately want us to believe, Dec 2012 is about THEIR world being destroyed, not ours! Their hierarchical control system is crumbling like a house of cards now. This very special date signals the time when the negative polarity of the last 12,000 years will begin to be turned upside down! However, we need to be humble and patient because it is just the beginning...but, at the same time, rejoice because it is the beginning of a new 12,000 year cycle of Light and Knowledge.

I assure you that this is all fact. And I recommend you absolutely DO NOT take my word for it and do your own investigating, of course. I arrived at this conclusion through years of researching this stuff myself and, finally, by getting information directly from the Higher Self. The only problem people are faced with is that this information isn't easily accessible from mainstream sources. So, again, I will say thank God for the internet!

In closing I'd like to state that for those of you who are coming across the ideas on this page for the first time and might find them difficult to swallow, please (for your sake) keep an open Mind and try to look at the mainstream sources of information from a different perspective. Consider what I've written here and see if it fits in with what's happening in the world right now. You don't have to necessarily believe in the idea of Reptilian-Human Hybrid Dynasties, you don't have to belive in Reincarnation or anything else like that.

All I'm asking is that you thoughtfully consider what has been presented and determine if there truly is an effort to conceal empowering knowledge from the population. For the next week or month, look at the News, look at the things kids are taught in School, look at what we are bombarded with in TV Shows, Hollywood films and commercials and then come back and read this page again. I know that it will make much more sense then...