Explaining why Pizzagate & pedophilia scandals in general are 100% true...

Post date: Dec 03, 2016 4:38:31 AM

Merely by being in a young child's presence, if they’re a few feet away from you, you can feel your aura being invigorated. When they sit next to you, or you hold them in your lap for a while, etc., it is even stronger. A big reason why many people are happy when they're surrounded by their children or grandchildren can actually be attributed to this "invisible" energetic exchange.

Now, when one takes into account that sex energy is the most powerful energy there is (possibly in the entire universe, if we take the concept to extremes and also use a very broad definition of "sex energy", i.e.: equate it with the energy of Divine creation itself) and that, therefore, the energy exchange during the sex act would be the most powerful form of energy exchange you can possibly partake in, in this life, would it not then stand to reason that there'd be certain unscrupulous men (face it: it's overwhelmingly men that are involved in the pedophilia networks), often old men, who would knowingly engage in sex with very young children in order to, in a very real sense, "steal" or vampirize their pristine, uncontaminated (by the Matrix) energy?

I think it makes nothing but perfect sense. Think about it: the higher up you go in the Psychopathic Control Grid (or whatever fancy name you want to call the pyramidal hierarchy on an enslaved planet), the more sociopathic the people there tend to become. Like it or not, it's simply how it is on these types of planets; we cannot really overlook the reality of this situation –we’re on a Prison Planet, even though we’re constantly conditioned to forget this harsh truth. So, then, if we take this natural sociopathic tendency of the planet's elite leaders as, more or less, a factual thing, would it be that much of a stretch to imagine that these very people do indeed perform the kinds of heinous acts on children? Acts that the pizzagate scandal suggests they do?

And understand that this is not exactly the first time in history something like this has been almost uncovered and blown wide open...only to be covered up again. All you need to do is look at the Franklin case, Marc Dutroux, Jonbenet Ramsey and, while I'm unsure whether this one is a genuine case or not, the Hampstead case. After the initial storm, the masses always tend to go back to their "ordinary lives" and gradually forget about it, since they're far too busy being enslaved by their ongoing bills; and, besides, let's face it, what real financial, political and/or judicial power to people like us really have at the end of the day?

But I think, this time, with pizzagate, there are enough people that are outraged about this, and enough people that are awake to it (e.g.: there is an online poll, very easy to find with a quick google, that says 80% of people believe pizzagate is REAL!) that we can finally manage to create some real traction on this high level elite pedophilia epidemic. Even though I reluctantly admitted above that we may not have the same kind of financial/political/judicial power "they" now have, we, however, have an altogether different kind of power. For starters, we most definitely have the moral high ground here, meaning that, in the long run, Karma, and hence, the very Universe, is on our side. And it would appear that, because of this Karmic advantage, the tide is now truly starting to turn with pizzagate, as I genuinely don't see this thing going away any time soon. I don't see "them" being able to sweep this one under the rug this time round. People will not rest until someone, somehow, pays for all this. Secondly, we have superiority in numbers: barring some apocalyptic, ultra-paranoid-conspiracy-theorist nightmare event such as 80% of the planet being wiped thru nuclear war, or martial law declared and then "dissenters" (Truth Tellers, more like) being thrown into the prison camps, I really can't see the millions of extremely pissed off, and determined, independent Internet Sleuths around the world being stopped or silenced anytime soon, with regards to pizzagate.

I think the timing all fits, perfectly. It cannot possibly be an accident that this bombshell has been leaked out into the open at the exact same time someone like Donald Trump was miraculously elected. It looks like we're truly starting to see some very real changes that are exactly in line with what the astrologers have been saying about the traits of the Aquarian Age: fairness, justice and prosperity for all, coupled with a breakdown of oppressive, hierarchal systems that were prevalent in the, now dying, Piscean Aeon. And I think that a document like the US Constitution was hundreds of years ahead of its time, definitely divinely inspired, and was meant to create a foundation so that it could be fully implemented from this point onward. So, in many ways, we’ve only just begun!

I can see Trumpism burning away all (or a lot of them anyway) obstacles that could obstruct the proper implementation of the Constitution, and that, in the years to come, the original ideals this document was designed to promote will be able to more easily shine forth. Plus the fact that Brexit and Trumpism will create

a massive domino effect of healthy populism around the planet is merely a welcome side bonus to all this.

I cannot wait for the day when we see all the pedophile criminals in high places being locked up. Or, better still, hung, drawn and quartered. And, I assure you, this day is fast approaching...