
Welcome truth seeker,

Originally, the primary purpose of this website, and its corresponding

YouTube channel and Facebook groups, was to clear much of the confusion regarding the main alternative, conspiracy and New Age/Spiritual topics.

At the time, it had been observed that, although, in this sea of information we know as the Internet, there were unending sites and/or YouTube channels dealing with these topics, only a small handful of them actually knew what they were talking about—clear answers to the big issues surrounding the "New Aeon" of Aquarius were simply not forthcoming. Instead, what we got was a near-endless rehash of the same outlandish, paranoid conspiracy theories about the usual suspects: Jesuits, Zionists, Skull & Bones, Reptilians/Archons, and so on.

Not that a lot of the aforesaid theories are not based on solid investigative journalism, but the thing is that, when a seeker goes down this particular "rabbit hole," it will be super exciting for a time, perhaps for years, sooner or later, they will get stuck in a never-ending loop of circular reasoning wherein the only answer to every problem on earth is, "It's a conspiracy!" Sure, it may well be (the JFK assassination, 9/11 and many others certainly were). But not in every single case. At some point, we just need to stop being "spiritual hypochondriacs" and begin applying Ocam's razor (i.e. the idea that the simplest explanation is often the correct one) to all our rabbit hole investigations, whether these pertain to corporeal or incorporeal matters.

Certainly, when it comes to the incorporeal, unseen realms, it is true that, for the most part, we "deal not with flesh and blood, but with the rulers of the darkness of this world," as per the famous Bible quote. However, even in these situations, a more grounded approach must be taken by the serious seeker: not everything is controlled by Reptilians/Archons and, if we really think about it, humans are far more powerful than we may care to admit. I, too, was of this mindset once, but later realized that it's very self defeating to think that every little thing we don't like about this planet is caused by the Archons. I'm not suggesting we IGNORE the reality of these dark, lower astral beings, no. I'm just saying that we should NOT LIVE IN CONSTANT FEAR. We, instead, must take back our power and sovereignty.

And the best way to do that is to start putting our attention on things that can create practical, real-life change. Because, even though meditation is great and everyone should be doing it, unfortunately it's not possible to meditate our way out of a tyrannical New World Order. And, besides, techniques like meditation and yoga are from the Eastern Mystery Tradition, and are thus of a yin polarity, which is something that does not resonate well with the very practical, outwardly-oriented, yang West. See, the Westerner's destiny, his dharma, we could say, is to master the physical universe. It's simply not in our DNA to sit around in the lotus position all day trying to "defeat the evil cabal through sending positive vibes into the ethers." And, again, not to completely discount the efficacy of this ultra-yin, New Age Bullshit-y approach to earth's core metaphysical problems, but the point I'm driving at is that it's nowhere near as effective as boots-on-the-ground ACTION. The Western soul is designed to excel in boots-on-the-ground action, and so, this is the approach we must take, if we are ever to create any lasting, meaningful change. And this brings us to the next section . . .


For the longest time, I had zero interest in politics and I strongly believed in the classic "all/both parties are the same" line that's often thrown around in the alt. news and spirituality scene. Consequently, I've never once voted in my life, even though, in Melbourne, Australia, where I have spent most of my adult life, it's illegal to not vote and you get fined for it. So, even before knowing what the term even meant, I was technically an anarchist. So, at some point, I got more seriously invested with the idea of anarchism. But it didn't last long: I quickly realized it simply does not work, as it is too utopian in nature, presupposing, as it does, that most people can automatically be trusted to do the right thing at all times. I, and many others, was later proven correct, when we all saw the hellish nightmare that was CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), which initially began as an attempt to create an autonomous (so, in essence, anarchist) state. The speed in which it turned from rainbow-and-unicorn utopia to murderous nightmare is something that will go down in the history books. You might, of course, say that the circumstances that led to something like CHAZ were not exactly ideal, as it was a response to the contentious subject of the George Floyd death (or murder). Nevertheless, at its core, anarchy is near synonymous with communism, which is undoubtedly the greatest ideological cancer ever unleashed upon humanity. Many anarchy defenders might jump in now and say, "But communism is the apotheosis of statism, while true anarchy is strongly against any kind of state control, so you can't possibly equate the two." On the face of it, this is true, but still, I have never yet seen a successful attempt at forming a legitimate anarchist society. Some say that the Wild West was something that closely approximated it, as there was only the sheriff, who came in and helped handle disputes when they reached the point of no return, but other than that there was very little direct state control on the citizens' lives.

Again, true, in part. But I cannot picture a large city of millions today being able to function with no police at all and to be able to trust that its open carry citizens would always do the right thing and never cross that fine line that separates defensive force from offensive violence. Even the great Michael Tsarion, among many others in the scene, emphatically insists that anarchy does not work. At least not yet it doesn't. Mankind might be ready for it many hundreds of years in the future, but if we attempted this anarchy experiment at the present, it would end very badly. And, ironically, these hypothetical anarchist communities would end up organically forming pyramidal competence hierarchies again from scratch, anyway. For, as the immense Jordan Peterson has explained so well, hierarchy is inbuilt within the cosmos, whether we like to admit this uncomfortable fact or not. In other words, if we tried to form anarchist societies, we'd eventually end up re-creating something very similar to our current Western societies, as said societies are actually not "the Patriarchy," but more correctly "the Competence Hierarchy." In the end, the competent leaders of men will rise to the top, no matter what label we place on the society—whether it's a capitalist, communist, national socialist, or anarchist society, the natural born leaders (some of them psychopathic, but most of them not) will lord over it, as human beings are naturally hierarchical in nature and look up to those who are more competent than themselves. Sure, when a Competence Hierarchy inevitably forms within an anarchist community, the deluded anarchists might not actually call it that, since they believe hierarchies are a Darwinian social construct (or something), and therefore inherently toxic, but they will still behave as if they were living within a hierarchy. They'd have the strong, intelligent, charismatic, "cool" guy that everyone looks up to; this would be the de facto leader of this hypothetical anarchist society, even though, paradoxically, anarchists strongly reject the very idea of hierarchy.

And because of the abolition of state-funded police and courts, a new kind of police and court system would emerge. Essentially, it'd be private security that would replace the police. Again, this will eventually lead to the current form of the police system, because the poorer citizens of the anarchist society, who can't afford "cops for hire," will eventually campaign for a community-funded security force. In other words, they will end up creating exactly the kind of state-funded police force we have today. Because, again, these structures we have in our current societies are not "artificial" and part of some oppressive "Patriarchy," but they have formed organically. And it would be very difficult to make the justice system work in such a society, as there'd be no final authority, like the present day Supreme Court, to set all the local, independent courts on a cohesive direction. Again, hierarchy is the key word here: it exists, it's real and the earth, indeed the entire cosmos, functions in a hierarchical manner. So there must also be a hierarchy in the justice system, with a central governing body, otherwise chaos would inevitably result from the lack of cohesion. There's no escaping the fact that there's a hierarchy inbuilt in every human endeavor and every facet of life, as harsh it may seem to those who consider themselves to be victims of these hierarchies. Even in the spiritual world there is a well-defined hierarchy, so it's absurd to suggest that this model is not also reflected on the material plane.

So, especially after I began watching Jordan Peterson after his "infamous" Bill C-16 incident, to my great delight, I increasingly began to accept the reality of the Competence Hierarchy, eventually turning against my previous, and erroneous, beliefs on the matter. The reason I was delighted was because something deep inside me had always known that the cosmos was inherently hierarchical, but it was very difficult to voice such an opinion to those who typically call themselves "truthers" and "conspiracy theorists." I, too, have called myself such in the old daze (not a typo), but I no longer do so. I now prefer "dot-connector" or "seeker" or perhaps just "red-pilled." But the point is that the overwhelming number of "hippie truthers" lean left, whether they consciously label it as such or not. After all, the Eastern spirituality-heavy, New Age Movement is itself very left, very yin in nature. It's all about "empathy," about anarchy, about "smashing" the Competence Hierarchy (which they mislabel as the "Patriarchy," since they lack the facts about the inherent hierarchical nature of the universe, and thus assume that this hierarchical "Patriarchy" must therefore be an artificial construct created by "old, rich, white men," as a way for said men to maintain their power and to mercilessly oppress everyone and everything else in existence), and about injecting the planet with more and more Divine Feminine energy. I would've been onboard with the last part fifty years ago, but not now. Because now we've over-saturated the West with Divine Feminine. Therefore, we must inject a good dose of the Divine Masculine into society again, if balance is ever to be restored. This, by the way, explains the enormous popularity of a Jordan Peterson, especially among young men, who are absolutely starved of positive male role models in their lives. Thus, JBP has become somewhat of a collective father figure for the entire West. He is much more than that, of course; he is actually a vehicle for the Logos and somewhat of a savior figure (a real-life manifestation of the heroic Dragon Slayer archetype, who rises up at the last minute to save his village from certain destruction at the hands of the "Dragon of Chaos" and, in the process, galvanizing many others to also rise up and manifest their dormant, inner Dragon Slayer), speaking divine truths to millions of people, thus pumping the Morphogenetic Field with a tremendous amount of Light and power. But I may delve deeper into all that on a page specifically dedicated to JBP.

The point being made here is that, at some point in my now 20 + year journey down the rabbit hole—which included the full gamut of getting heavily into Brahmachrya (NoFap), doing things like trance chanellings, becoming a Reiki II healer (and, recently, also self-attuning myself to the Master level, if the reader is prepared to accept that self-attunement is a legitimate thing), studying every secret society and religion I possibly could, developing my own original energy healing system, and, last but not least, being attacked by dark beings (Reptilians as well as Greys), both in my sleep and during full waking consciousness—I went full circle and realized that a lot of the ideas that are promoted in the alt. spirituality scene are very skewed, dangerous even. And, while there are many of these, on this page I am only focusing on the wrong ideas pertaining to politics, as it directly ties into the change I went through about six years ago or so (at the time of this writing: May 2021). And this change made me reject my previous held idea that the best way to defeat the "Psychopathic Matrix" was through metaphysical, right-brained means. Think back to what was said earlier about the right-brained, impractical, yin nature of the Eastern Mysteries. Well, it is these spiritual traditions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism) that have influenced the New Age Movement the most, and unfortunately the NAM has a very strong influence on Westerners. On the surface, this seems like a good thing to a beginner, or even to an intermediate level, Rabbit Hole Jumper, but it is not. The sad truth of the matter is that the Eastern Mystery Tradition is not at all compatible with the soul of Western man. And therefore, proliferation of these Eastern ideas have corrupted the West; they have lulled it into an apathy of inaction in the face of blatant evil. Moreover, they have convinced many of these New Age hippies that politics is not the answer; that noting will ever come out of politics, so why bother? And the forest-saving hippies that do end up engaging in political activism are, almost 100% of the time, leftists! This doesn't do it for me, not in the least, for, thrown in with the Left's noble whale and forest-saving operations, we also also find a profound hatred for that which they term the "Patriarchy." And they very much want to destroy this mislabeled Competence Hierarchy, and this definitely doesn't do it for me. So we have, then, an unholy alliance of New Age hippies, Feminists, Leftists of all types, coming together under the banner of the New Age Movement, with their dogged insistence on "injecting" the planet with Divine Feminine energy. I mean, how much more Divine Feminine energy do you want to inject into the planet? Can people not see it has reached far beyond saturation levels at this point?


So, at some point, around the time that Donald Trump announced his presidential run in late 2015, I had an epiphany: politics is a viable vehicle for change, I thought. It was because I read DJT's energy on the YouTube video, you see. I am known to do that sort of thing. From a video, or a picture even, I can accurately assess a person's energy; I can tell if they're the Real McCoy or full of it; if they're an honest person or a liar; if their aura is "clean" or "satanized." Although it's still unpopular to say so in the alt. news scene, I saw a good, honest man in Trump, someone who wasn't part of this thing we call "the cabal." Don't ask me to explain it in words; I just "knew." I saw right through him, like a Jedi would, and I saw that his aura was clean, meaning it was obvious that he'd never participated in any of the dark rituals that most of the other world leaders had. The reason for that, of course, was because he was never a member of any of the secret societies (Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, etc.), so, although rich and well-connected, he had not, technically, "sold" his soul. He'd succeeded on his own merit. Then again, there is the common accusation against Orange Man for being a Zionist tool, and I can understand why people would think that, but honestly, during his reign, there was not a single war in the Middle East, or anywhere else for that matter. Every man and his dog knows that the trigger-happy, Neocon Zionists who were behind the "War on Terror" would have loved to take out Iran, for example. But, with Trump in the Oval Office, nothing like that happened. He, instead, managed to ease much of the Mid. East tensions through negotiation, a feat never before achieved, at least not to that degree. This, and many other things that he did, clearly showed he was sharply against anything resembling a Zionist NWO.

The fact that he worked closely with Zionist figures does not mean the welfare of the US was not his top priority. Whether it's popular to say it or not, everyone knows that Zionists (whether Jewish or non-Jewish) have a lot of political, financial and media power in the US, which means that even an outsider like Trump must pay lip service to them (i.e. his oft repeated statements about being "the best friend Israel ever had," etc.) if they are to ever get anywhere, especially in politics. Many, of course, say that this is a conspiracy on the part of the powerful Zionist Jews, but if you ask me, it's more of a self-preservation thing: they are ever-vigilant of a "new Hitler" potentially rising up, catching them off guard, and so, voicing support for Israel has more or less become embedded in American politics by this point. Like I said, self-preservation. Because the Zionist Jews are well aware that without military assistance from the US, Israel is f*cked. Although my views sharply clash with those of Leftist Jews (Karl Marx, the a**holes that founded the Frankfurt School, the father of postmodernism, Jacques Derrida, et. al), being that they're inherently anti-Western/anti-"Patriarchy" in nature, on the other hand, if Greece (I have dual Australian-Greek citizenship) was in the same situation as Israel is in, i.e. surrounded by Muslims who want to wipe it off the map, I, too, would've worked hard to ensure that an America or a Germany or France would offer us (Greece) consistent military aid.

So, if the motivation behind a Jewish Zionist's quest for political power is primarily so they can use that power to protect Israel, then who am I to complain? Like I said, had the situation between Turkey and Greece been magnified and Greece was hypothetically surrounded by Erdogans on all sides, it would've been understandable if Greek Americans did all they could to get political clout, and use it to strengthen Greece's position. So, while I'm no friend of Marx or Derrida, and think their ideas were cancers, on the other hand, if a Zionist Jew genuinely tells me that he wants to "see Israel survive," I would heartily agree with him, as I, too, would very much like to see Greece not be blown up by an Erdogan. The Jewish guy also has a right to do all he can to prevent his home from not getting blown away, I think. Now, we could also get into the whole issue of whether or not Israel is a legitimate state or not, but that subject is far too complicated for an "About Us" page. Suffice it to say that I have concluded that it's more legitimate than not, which, in the aggregate would more or less make it legitimate. But I can, at the same time, have an overwhelming urge to alternately put pictures of Marx and Derrida on my dart board and always aim right between the eyes. Don't forget that Marxism itself, in the hands of the gentile, Stalin, ended up turning on Jews in the end and, also, regardless of having mostly sprung out Jewish minds, the unholy trinity of postmodernism, neo-Marxism and Critical Race Theory is as detrimental to Jewish people in the West today as it is for people of European descent. So, we can very much be against these ideas (and freely call out the individuals who spawned them) without having to simultaneously be classical anti-Semites (i.e. ALL Jews are bad, even the ones who go against pond scum like Marx) or anti-Israel (i.e. Israel = evil = illegitimate just because some Leftist said so).

In short, it's not a clear cut, black and white situation with Israel. And many on the Right, even avowed antisemites, seem to admire Israel, because they see it as a good model of a strong ethnostate; something that should be emulated in the West. It's clear that Trump saw Israel in a similar way; he saw them as the sole ally in the Mid. East that could help the US get a foothold in the region. This is how all US politicians see Israel actually. So, the tired idea that Israel "controls" the White House is a bit overblown. People seem to forget how powerful the Jesuits are, for example. In truth, a big reason why the US gives Israel so much aid (military, financial, etc.) is because it very much suits the US to do so, as Israel is a top ally in a region where the list of Western allies is disturbingly short. Also, note that Trump never said "I am a super Zionist," because, if you look at his actions, in the aggregate, during his term in office, he actually wouldn't qualify as one, at least not in the ZOG sense of the term, i.e. that there is an active Zionist conspiracy to rule the world. He was always very careful with his choice of words: he would say, "I am a friend of Israel." If that's what you gotta say to keep your base on the Christian Right happy, then so be it. But an "Elder of Zion" this makes him not.

So, now that we cleared up the "Trump is a Zionist tool" quandary, let's sail into calmer waters. The fact is, whether one realizes this now, one year from now, a hundred years from now, what we saw with Trump was something that had never happened before; it was damn near miraculous. And it was a case of our collective energies "creating him," because humanity had become sufficiently "red-pilled" by 2016, allowing us to manifest something as extraordinary as the Trump presidency. Enough people had woken up, a critical mass, and this caused a big enough consciousness shift to manifest someone like Trump as POTUS. That's the proper answer to the question, "How the fuck did this even happen?"

The Trump presidency was incredible beyond imagining. A presidency that could be summed up in a meme that says something like, "Donald Trump: when a red-pilled truther outsider with no filter whatsoever, who hates globalism, miraculously becomes POTUS." The only reason he faced so much opposition, even from within the so-called "red-pilled" scene (I say "so-called," because one cannot truly be awake if their intuitive faculties are not sufficiently developed to allow them to see Trump's obvious genuineness), is because he was a glitch in the Political Matrix. He went against every norm of the Liberal Democratic World Order (or call it American-led Globalism), upending the entire structure. He was like a bull in a China shop and it was glorious to watch! Why do I think so? Well, because this Liberal Democratic World Order absolutely had to be upturned by someone, at some point. It was becoming too toxic, too destructive for its own good . . . so Trump came in, completely out of left field, and, like the Hulk, said "Smash!" And he knew exactly what he was doing, even if many confused and horrified onlookers didn't, and still don't. But if it wasn't Trump, someone else would've eventually done it, because it had to be done.


So, when I saw this incredible phenomenon, I decided that it is possible to get things done through politics, after all. And so, I went ever more rightward, slowly but surely viewing/reading almost exclusively Conservative/right wing content on the daily. Whether it was Milo, or Jordan Peterson, or Dr. Steven Turley, or Tim Pool, or Dave Rubin, or John Mark, or Sargon of Akkad, or Michael Knowles, or Daisy Cousens, or Lauren Southern, or the God Emperor, Donald Trump himself (my God, that Twitter feed! He is the greatest Internet troll of all time, that man; absolutely hilarious. I was pinching myself for four years straight), I couldn't stop devouring this type of content. Not only did I not tire of it, not even once, I actually became more engrossed in it with each passing day.

So, before I knew it, I found myself having an overwhelming desire to start making YouTube videos in the style of Michael Knowles, whom I resonated with immensely, and others similar pundits. Even though I can never fully discard the right-brained, metaphysical elements of my social media activity (primarily YouTube vids & FB posts), and there will always be that David Icke-esque vibe in whatever I write or say, I have become much more grounded than I was in earlier years. Thus, I understand that, through politics, specifically through Conservatism and right wing nationalist populism (which is a grass roots vehicle for the will of the people), change can be made. In fact, there's no better way to effect change in the world, as politics is the quickest, most direct way to make a noticeable impact on the real world. Fortunately or unfortunately, simply meditating on said change does not really work. At least not for Western man it doesn't, as mentioned earlier.

Therefore, even if the earlier, more X-Files-like elements of this website and its associated YouTube channel will still remain intact, and will occasionally be brought up, as the need arises, the main focus from now on will be politics, because it is in the political arena that the main battle of ideas is now being fought. And we on the Right have the "right" ideas, as in the correct ones, so we must do all we can to ensure these ideas prevail, in order that Western civilization can be salvaged and then reach even greater heights than ever before!

Join TheNewAeon2012 in the fight to preserve the West, the greatest civilization to ever exist! For, if the West falls, everything else will fall along with it. We cannot let that happen.


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