Talks & Posters


If you wish to present a contributed talk (20 minutes, questions included) please send the abstract by e-mail to the contacts. The file containing the abstract (not exceeding one page) must be written in English using the following Latex format and it must be named by the same name of the speaker.

The deadline for the submission of the abstracts has been extended to the 10th of May, 2012


Poster Session will allow the presentation of PhD student research and of some contributed talks (in the case the number of contributed talks will exceed the available places for oral presentations)

PhD Students who have already made some progress on their thesis, can present a synopsis of their work, whereas students who are just beginning their thesis, can present an overview of what they are proposing to study.

The main purpose of this format is to provide Ph.D. students with feedback on their work, accomplished or planned, in a less formal setting than that of a plenary presentation.

Participants wishing to present a poster should prepare their abstract following the instruction for regular talk submission and send it  to the organizers ( by the 10th of May, 2012.