
Functions and classes for math.

Module Data

Module Functions


NearEqual (a, b [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

a -> number

b -> number

Returns true if the two numbers are close to equal, within the optional tolerance.


NearGreater (a, b [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

a -> number

b -> number

Returns true if a is greater than b, within the optional tolerance.


NearGreaterEqual (a, b [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

a -> number

b -> number

Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b, within the optional tolerance.


NearLess (a, b [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

a -> number

b -> number

Returns true if a is greater than b, within the optional tolerance.


NearLessEqual (a, b [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

a -> number

b -> number

Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b, within the optional tolerance.


NearZero (n [, tolerance ]) -> boolean

n -> number

Returns true if n is close to zero, within the optional tolerance.


FrameToTime (frame, frameInterval) -> number

frame -> integer

frameInterval -> number

Returns the time for a given frame with frame numbers starting at zero and with the given interval between frames in seconds.


TimeToFrame (time , frameInterval) -> integer

time -> number

frameInterval -> number

Returns the frame for a given time in seconds with frame numbers starting at zero and with the given interval between frames in seconds.

The following functions are available starting with version 1.1.1 of the scripting system.


ConcentricallySampleDisk (rand1, rand2) -> number, number

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number


CosineSampleHemisphere (rand1, rand2) -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number


Halton (d, i) -> number

d -> integer

i -> integer


UniformlySampleCone (rand1, rand2, maxCos) -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number

maxCos -> number


UniformlySampleCone (rand1, rand2, maxCos, x, y, z) -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number

maxCos -> number

x -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

y -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

z -> s3d.vec.Dir3d


UniformlySampleDisk (rand1, rand2) -> number, number

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number


UniformlySampleHemisphere (rand1, rand2) -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number


UniformlySampleSphere (rand1, rand2) -> s3d.vec.Dir3d

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number


UniformlySampleTriangle (rand1, rand2) -> number, number

rand1 -> number

rand2 -> number

Module Classes

The FastRandom Class

This class is designed to return non-uniformly distributed random values very quickly. It has the following construction methods:

FastRandom ()

Constructs a new fast random number generator with the default seed. Returns the new fast random number generator.

FastRandom (seed)

seed -> integer

Constructs a new fast random number generator with the given seed. Returns the new fast random number generator.

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

FastRandom:GetSeed () -> integer

Returns the seed value used by this object.

FastRandom:SetSeed (seed)

seed -> integer

Sets the seed value used by this object.

FastRandom:GetInteger (low, high) -> integer

low -> integer

high -> integer

Returns a random integer value within the given range of integers, inclusive.

FastRandom:GetFloat () -> number

Returns a random value within the range 0 to 1.

The QMC Class

The following class is available starting with version 1.1.1 of the scripting system.

This class is designed to return uniformly distributed random values. It has the following construction methods:

QMC ()

Constructs a new uniform random number generator with the default seed. Returns the new uniform random number generator.

QMC (seed, dimensionality)

seed -> integer

dimensionality -> integer

Constructs a new uniform random number generator with the given seed. Returns the new uniform random number generator.

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

QMC:GetDimensionality () -> integer

Returns the initializer for this object.

QMC:GetSeed () -> integer

Returns the initializer for this object.

QMC:GetFloat (sampleIndex, dimension [, numSamples]) -> number

sampleIndex -> integer

dimension -> integer

numSamples -> optional integer

If the numSamples argument is supplied it is the number of samples that will be taken, and the sampleIndex argument will range from 1 to numSamples. For uniform coverage of the sample space you should always supply this argument.

If the numSamples argument is not supplied then an arbitrary sample is returned for each call with unique sampleIndex and dimension arguments.

The dimension argument should range from 1 to the dimensionality used for initialization. So if you want to take 100 samples of a surface described by two coordinate values you would initialize a QMC object with an arbitrary seed and a dimensionality of 2 and then proceed to make calls to QMC:GetFloat with sampleIndex values from 1 to 100 and dimension values from 1 to 2.

Returns a random value within the range 0 to 1.