
Some functions and data items have been added to the Lua global table, primarily for convenience of access.

Global Data

The following data items have been added to the Lua global table:


This is a table which is expected and supported by the Lua standard library. Inside of Strata Design 3D CX it's declared with name = "Strata 3D CX"

prog = { name [, banner ] [, purpose ] [, notes ] [, usage ] }


This is a reference to the data item s3d.env.qDebug


This is a reference to the data item s3d.env.qMac


This is a reference to the data item s3d.env.qWin

Global Functions

The following functions have been added to the Lua global table:


astext (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.AsText


class (name)

name -> string

The luabind class creation bottleneck function, modified and augmented to integrate these classes with the Strata Design 3D CX built-in C++ classes. Call this function with the name of the class you want to create. The result is another function, which may optionally be called with the arguments ('baseClass, uuid, vers) all of which are in turn optional.

Typical syntax is: (remembering that you can call a function taking a single string argument without parenthesis)

class 'MyClass' (s3d.some_table.some_class)

Provide a base class if you want this class to derive from and extend another class. Provide a UUID to ensure that this class will be uniquely identified even if it is subsequently replaced by another class of the same name, and provide a positive version number if objects of this class are going to be stored in files or other persistent containers.


console (fmt, ...)

fmt -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.Console


enablewarnings (doEnable)

doEnable -> boolean

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.EnableWarnings


getfield (t, f) -> any value

t -> table

f -> any key

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.GetField


help ()

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.Help


isvaliduuid (uuid)

uuid -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.IsValidUUID


makeinvaliduuid () -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.MakeInvalidUUID


makeuuid () -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.MakeUUID


printf (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.Printf


printmeta (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.PrintMeta


printobj (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.PrintObj


setfield (t, f, v)

t -> table

f -> any key

v -> any value

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.SetField


setmode (t, mode)

t -> table

mode -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.util.SetMode


_CHECK (assertion [, message])

assertion -> boolean

message -> optional string

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.CHECK


_INFORM (format, ...)

format -> string

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.INFORM


_DEBUG_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.DEBUG_ONLY


_NONDEBUG_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.NONDEBUG_ONLY


_MAC_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.MAC_ONLY


_NONMAC_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.NONMAC_ONLY


_WIN_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.WIN_ONLY


_NONWIN_ONLY (func, ...)

func -> function (...)

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.NONWIN_ONLY


_WARNING (message, level)

message -> string

level -> integer

This is a reference to the function s3d.env.WARNING