
Functions and classes for handling image oriented data.

Module Data


A table of alpha functions potentially useful in ApplyFilter function calls. The result of an alpha function ranges from 0 to 1 indicating whether a given pixel should be processed by a filter and if so how much of the result should be mixed with any existing value.

alphaFunctions.Always (h, v, maskImage, context)

h -> integer

v -> integer

maskImage -> s3d.image.Layer

context -> integer

Returns 1 for every pixel.

alphaFunctions.MatchContext (h, v, maskImage, context)

h -> integer

v -> integer

maskImage -> s3d.image.Layer

context -> integer

Returns 1 for each pixel for which 'context' matches the pixel value at that position in 'maskImage', otherwise returns 0.

alphaFunctions.MatchNotContext (h, v, maskImage, context)

h -> integer

v -> integer

maskImage -> s3d.image.Layer

context -> integer

Returns 0 for each pixel for which 'context' matches the pixel value at that position in 'maskImage', otherwise returns 1.


A table of filter functions potentially useful in ApplyFilter function calls.

filterFunctions.Blur (h, v, colorImage, currentPixel)

h -> integer

v -> integer

colorImage -> s3d.image.Layer

currentPixel -> s3d.image.RGBAFloatPixel

A 3x3 gaussian filter, providing a slight blurring effect.

filterFunctions.Median (h, v, colorImage, currentPixel)

h -> integer

v -> integer

colorImage -> s3d.image.Layer

currentPixel -> s3d.image.RGBAFloatPixel

A 3x3 median filter, useful for eliminating single pixel artifacts.

Module Functions


A general purpose layer convolution function, controllable through the required filter function and the optional alpha function and mask layer.

ApplyFilter (filterFunction, sourceLayer [, alphaFunction, maskLayer, context ])

filterFunction -> function (h, v, colorImage, currentPixel)

sourceLayer -> s3d.image.Layer

alphaFunction -> optional function (h, v, maskImage, context)

maskLayer -> optional s3d.image.Layer

context -> optional unsigned integer

The filter function is required along with the source layer, but the alpha function, mask layer and context are optional. This function will call the filter function for every pixel in the source layer for which the alpha function returns a non-zero value, or for all pixels if there is no alpha function.


A general purpose layer construction function. Pass in the desired pixel type (from the kType constant data of the pixel class) and the desired size. The result is an uninitialized image layer.

CreateLayer (pixelType, width, height) -> s3d.image.Layer

pixelType -> integer

width -> integer

height -> integer

Call this function to create a layer with the given pixel type and of the given size. Both width and height must be greater than zero.

Module Classes

Buffer (derived from s3d.obj.Object)

This class has the following TransferOption constant data members:

Buffer.kErase -> integer

Buffer.kPad -> integer

Buffer.kStretch -> integer

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

Buffer:AddLayer(Integer) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:AddLayer(Integer, String) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:AddLayer(Integer, String, Boolean) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:AddLayer(Layer) -> boolean

Buffer:AddLayer(Layer, String) -> boolean

Buffer:AddLayer(Layer, String, Boolean) -> boolean

Buffer:BlendPixel(Number, Integer, Integer, RGBFloatPixel, Number, Number)

Buffer:BlitFrom(Buffer, Rectangle, Point)

Buffer:Clone() -> s3d.image.Buffer

Buffer:CloneAtNewSize(Point) -> s3d.image.Buffer


Buffer:Erase(Boolean) -> boolean

Buffer:Flip(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) -> boolean

Buffer:GetColor(Integer, Integer) -> s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel

Buffer:GetColorLayer() -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetDPI() -> integer, integer

Buffer:GetDepth(Integer, Integer) -> integer

Buffer:GetDepthLayer() -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetIndexedLayer(Integer) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetIndexedLayerName(Integer) -> string

Buffer:GetMaskLayer() -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetNamedLayer(String) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetNamedLayer(String, Boolean) -> s3d.image.Layer

Buffer:GetNumberOfLayers() -> integer

Buffer:GetSize() -> s3d.vec.Point

Buffer:GetTransparency(Integer, Integer) -> integer

Buffer:HasLayer(Layer) -> boolean

Buffer:Invert(Boolean) -> boolean

Buffer:MergeFrom(Buffer, Rectangle)


Buffer:SetArea(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, RGBFloatPixel, Number, Number)

Buffer:SetArea(Rectangle, RGBFloatPixel, Number, Number)

Buffer:SetDPI(Number, Number)

Buffer:SetIndexedLayer(Integer, Layer)

Buffer:SetIndexedLayer(Integer, Layer, String)

Buffer:SetIndexedLayerName(Integer, String)

Buffer:SetPixel(Integer, Integer, RGBFloatPixel, Number, Number)

Buffer:SetPixel(Point, RGBFloatPixel, Number, Number)

Buffer:SetSize(Integer, Integer)


Layer (derived from s3d.obj.Object)

This class has the following Purpose constant data members:

Layer.kAutoErase -> integer

Layer.kAutoThreshold -> integer

Layer.kDepth -> integer

Layer.kEmpty -> integer

Layer.kFullImage -> integer

Layer.kIllumination -> integer

Layer.kLuaDefault -> integer

Layer.kMotionBlur -> integer

Layer.kObjectIndex -> integer

Layer.kTexture -> integer

Layer.kUnknown -> integer

Layer.kVelocity -> integer

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

Layer:BlitFrom(Layer, Rectangle, Point) -> boolean


Layer:BytesPerRow() -> integer

Layer:Clone() -> s3d.image.Layer

Layer:CloneAtNewSize(Point) -> s3d.image.Layer


Layer:CreateDynamicPixel() -> s3d.image.DynamicPixel


Layer:FamilyID() -> integer

Layer:Fill(Rectangle, DynamicPixel)

Layer:Flip(Boolean, Boolean)

Layer:GetBackground() -> s3d.image.RGBA32Pixel

Layer:GetDithering() -> integer

Layer:GetFloatPixel(Integer, Integer, Number [modifiable reference])

Layer:GetForeground() -> s3d.image.RGBA32Pixel

Layer:GetFractionalPixel(Number, Number, DynamicPixel)

Layer:GetIndexPixel(Integer, Integer) -> integer

Layer:GetOriginalSize() -> s3d.vec.Point

Layer:GetPixel(Integer, Integer, DynamicPixel)

Layer:GetPurpose() -> integer

Layer:GetRGB32Pixel(Integer, Integer) -> s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel

Layer:GetRGB32Pixel(Integer, Integer, RGBFloatPixel [modifiable reference])

Layer:GetRGBA32Pixel(Integer, Integer) -> s3d.image.RGBA32Pixel

Layer:GetRGBA32Pixel(Integer, Integer, RGBA32Pixel [modifiable reference])

Layer:GetRGBAFloatPixel(Integer, Integer) -> s3d.image.RGBAFloatPixel

Layer:GetRGBAFloatPixel(Integer, Integer, RGBAFloatPixel [modifiable reference])

Layer:GetSaveFlag() -> boolean

Layer:GetSize() -> s3d.vec.Point

Layer:GetUpdated() -> boolean


Layer:IsMipMapped() -> boolean

Layer:MergeFrom(Layer, Rectangle, Point) -> boolean

Layer:PaintPixel(Integer, Integer)

Layer:PixelID() -> integer

Layer:PixelSize() -> integer



Layer:SetFloatPixel(Integer, Integer, Number)


Layer:SetIndexPixel(Integer, Integer, Integer)

Layer:SetPixel(Integer, Integer, DynamicPixel)


Layer:SetRGB32Pixel(Integer, Integer, RGBFloatPixel)

Layer:SetRGBA32Pixel(Integer, Integer, RGBA32Pixel)

Layer:SetRGBAFloatPixel(Integer, Integer, RGBAFloatPixel)


Layer:SetSize(Integer, Integer)



Layer:StretchBlitFastFrom(Layer, Rectangle, Rectangle) -> boolean

Layer:StretchBlitFrom(Layer, Rectangle, Rectangle) -> boolean

Layer:StretchBlitMaskedFrom(Layer, Layer, Rectangle, Rectangle) -> boolean


Instances of this class may only be created by the CreateDynamicPixel class function or the CreateDynamicPixel pixel method for each predefined pixel class. A dynamic pixel object can be used to communicate pixel values without needing to get specific about the actual underlying pixel representation.

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

DynamicPixel:GetPixelID () -> integer

Returns the pixel type for the contained pixel. This matches the value returned by the pixelClass.kType class constant.

DynamicPixel:GetPixelPtr () -> s3d.util.Memory

Returns an s3d.util.Memory object referencing the internal pixel storage.

DynamicPixel:SetPixelData (newData)

newData -> s3d.util.Memory

Sets the data for the contained pixel using an s3d.util.Memory argument.

Accessor methods:

DynamicPixel:GetIndexPixel () > s3d.image.IndexPixel

Returns the value for the contained pixel as if it were an IndexPixel.

DynamicPixel:GetFloatPixel () -> s3d.image.FloatPixel

Returns the value for the contained pixel as if it were a FloatPixel.

DynamicPixel:GetRGBA32Pixel () -> s3d.image.RGBA32Pixel

Returns the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBA32Pixel.

DynamicPixel:GetRGBFloatPixel () -> s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel

Returns the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBFloatPixel.

DynamicPixel:GetRGBAFloatPixel () -> s3d.image.RGBAFloatPixel

Returns the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBAFloatPixel.

Modification methods:

DynamicPixel:SetIndexPixel (newValue)

newValue -> s3d.image.IndexPixel

Sets the value for the contained pixel as if it were an IndexPixel.

DynamicPixel:SetFloatPixel (newValue)

newValue -> s3d.image.FloatPixel

Sets the value for the contained pixel as if it were a FloatPixel.

DynamicPixel:SetRGBA32Pixel (newValue)

newValue -> s3d.image.RGBA32Pixel

Sets the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBA32Pixel.

DynamicPixel:SetRGBFloatPixel (newValue)

newValue -> s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel

Sets the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBFloatPixel.

DynamicPixel:SetRGBAFloatPixel (newValue)

newValue -> s3d.image.RGBAFloatPixel

Sets the value for the contained pixel as if it were an RGBAFloatPixel.

The following classes define typical pixel types used to communicate with Layer objects and to populate their pixel storage. All of these classes also incorporate methods detailed at the end of this page in Common Pixel Functions and Methods.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

IndexPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

IndexPixel (init)

init -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given value, which may range over all 32-bit integer values.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "value" -> the value stored in this pixel

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

FloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

FloatPixel (init)

init -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given value, which may range over all single precision real numbers.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "value" -> the value stored in this pixel

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

Gray8Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

Gray8Pixel (init)

init -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given value, ranging from 0 to 255.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "value" -> the value stored in this pixel

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGB15Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGB15Pixel (red, green, blue)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 255.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGB24Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGB24Pixel (red, green, blue)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 255.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGB32Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGB32Pixel (red, green, blue)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 255.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBA32Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBA32Pixel (red, green, blue, alpha)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

alpha -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 255.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

4 | "alpha"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGB48Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGB48Pixel (red, green, blue)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 65535.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBA64Pixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBA64Pixel (red, green, blue, alpha)

red -> integer

green -> integer

blue -> integer

alpha -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 65535.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

4 | "alpha"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBFloatPixel (red, green, blue)

red -> number

green -> number

blue -> number

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each ranging from 0 to 1,but capable of a range from -1.0e-30 to +1.0e-30.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.

RGBAFloatPixel (derived from s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel)

This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBAFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBAFloatPixel (red, green, blue, alpha)

red -> number

green -> number

blue -> number

alpha -> number

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each typically ranging from 0 to 1

but capable of a range from -1.0e-30 to +1.0e-30.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

4 | "alpha"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.

RGBTFloatPixel (derived from s3d.image.RGBFloatPixel)

This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBTFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBTFloatPixel (red, green, blue, transmission)

red -> number

green -> number

blue -> number

transmission -> number

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each typically ranging from 0 to 1

but capable of a range from -1.0e-30 to +1.0e-30.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

4 | "transmission"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

HalfFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

HalfFloatPixel (init)

init -> integer

Constructs a new pixel with the given value, typically ranging from 0 to 1 but capable of a range from -4095.0 to +4095.0.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "value" -> the value stored in this pixel

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBHalfFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBHalfFloatPixel (red, green, blue)

red -> number

green -> number

blue -> number

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each typically ranging from 0 to 1 but capable of a range from -4095.0 to +4095.0.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.


This class has the following constant data members:

kType -> integer

This class has the following construction methods:

RGBAHalfFloatPixel ()

Constructs a new pixel with uninitialized values.

RGBAHalfFloatPixel (red, green, blue, alpha)

red -> number

green -> number

blue -> number

alpha -> number

Constructs a new pixel with the given values, each typically ranging from 0 to 1 but capable of a range from -4095.0 to +4095.0.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "red"

2 | "green"

3 | "blue"

4 | "alpha"

This class also includes everything in the section Common Pixel Functions and Methods below.

Common Pixel Class Functions and Methods

Every pixel class supports the following class function:

pixelClass.CreateDynamicPixel () -> s3d.image.DynamicPixel

Creates a dynamic pixel object holding a pixel instance of this class type and having uninitialized storage.

Every instance of a pixel class has the following member methods:

pixelClass:CreateDynamicPixel () -> s3d.image.DynamicPixel

Creates a dynamic pixel object holding a copy of this pixel.

pixelClass:IsEqual (other) -> boolean

other -> a pixel of the same type

Returns true if this pixel is equal to the other pixel.

Every instance of a pixel class also supports the following operators:

pixelClass:__eq (other) -> boolean

other -> a pixel of the same type

Available as the infix notation "=="

Returns the result of calling pixelClass:IsEqual (other).

pixelClass:__tostring () -> string

Available via the tostring() global Lua function, and called from many other places.

Returns a textual representation of this pixel.