Integral Points and Rectangles

This module provides integral point and rectangle classes.


Objects of this class typically represent two-dimensional raster locations and sizes. Values may range over all 32-bit integers.

This class has the following construction methods:

Point ()

Constructs a new integral 2D point with uninitialized values.

Returns the new point.

Point (point)

point -> s3d.vec.Point

Constructs a new integral 2D point by copying the given 2D point.

Returns the new point.

Point (h, v)

h -> integer

v -> integer

Constructs a new integral 2D point with the given values.

Returns the new point.

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

Point:Clone () -> s3d.vec.Point

Returns a newly allocated copy of this object.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "h" -> the horizontal coordinate value

2 | "v" -> the vertical coordinate value


Objects of this class typically represent two-dimensional raster areas. Values may range over all 32-bit integers.

This class has the following construction methods:

Rectangle ()

Constructs a new integral 2D rectangle with uninitialized values.

Returns the new rectangle.

Rectangle (rect)

rect -> s3d.vec.Rectangle

Constructs a new integral 2D rectangle by copying the given 2D rectangle.

Returns the new rectangle.

Rectangle (topLeft, bottomRight)

topLeft -> Point

bottomRight -> Point

Constructs a new integral 2D rectangle from the top left and bottom right points.

Returns the new rectangle.

Rectangle (left, top, right, bottom)

left -> integer

top -> integer

right -> integer

bottom -> integer

Constructs a new integral 2D rectangle with the given values.

Returns the new rectangle.

Every instance of this class has the following member methods:

Rectangle:Clone () -> s3d.vec.Rectangle

Returns a newly allocated copy of this object.

Rectangle:GetHeight () -> integer

Returns the height of this rectangle.

Rectangle:GetWidth () -> integer

Returns the width of this rectangle.

Every instance of this class has the following member values, accessible both by numeric indices and the following keys:

1 | "left" -> the left coordinate value

2 | "top" -> the top coordinate value

3 | "right" -> the right coordinate value

4 | "bottom" -> the bottom coordinate value

along with the following convenience keys:

"topLeft" -> the top left coordinate values as a Point

"bottomRight" -> the bottom right coordinate values as a Point