Air Rifle Team Standard Operating Procedures

Post date: Aug 27, 2014 6:51:57 PM

Sterling High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Air Rifle Team Standard Operating Procedures

1. MISSION. The mission of the Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) Air Rifle Team is to encourage and introduce cadets to the discipline of competitive, precision marksmanship. This is accomplished by providing structured, classroom marksmanship instruction, practical application, individual qualification and competitive match opportunities. As members of a highly trained group, team members should gain satisfaction from being part of a precision, professional, smoothly functioning team.

2. TEAM COMMANDER. The Air Rifle Team Commander will normally be selected by the S/NSI based on demonstrated marksmanship proficiency and COMMITMENT to maintaining a heavy shooting schedule. The Commander may be designated as the Assistant Range Officer to assist the Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI) and Naval Science Instructor (NSI) Range Officer and is the cadet in authority on the range and all team outings. The Air Rifle Commander may select a Team Executive Officer to record attendance and take charge of the team in his/her absence. The Air Rifle Commander is authorized to wear the Team Commander Anchor device with ribbon.

3. MEMBERSHIP. The Air Rifle Team shall be composed of a total of no more than fifteen (15) currently enrolled cadets. The Air Rifle Team will consist of cadets who exhibit superb marksmanship expertise and demonstrate an exemplary team spirit. Each member must be part of the “Team.” Team members are expected to do his or her best and put forth the maximum effort to make and keep our Air Rifle Team competitive. No alternates are authorized. There shall be no freshman or Junior Varsity Air Rifle Team established. A developmental team will be established for cadets that meet all qualifications and are in need of additional marksmanship training/experience. Freshmen and first year cadets are restricted from Varsity team membership in order to focus on their Naval Science 1 curriculum (may be waived at the discretion of the SNSI and the Vice Principal). Air Rifle members must meet the following criteria:

a. Complete the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Rifle Safety & Marksmanship Training


b. Satisfactorily complete the unit's Basic Marksmanship Course classroom instruction.

c. Maintain a record of good discipline free of school violations demonstrating a lack of respect for rules and authority.

d. Complete the Cadet Individual Safety Pledge.

e. Demonstrate a respect for academic achievement by having a “C” or above grade in all courses.

f. Show a willingness to follow instructions in a highly disciplined manner and have an aptitude for marksmanship training.

g. Dedicate themselves to a demanding practice and competitive schedule. Practices are two days per week unless revised by the team commander.

h. Cadets from other units must complete the CMP Rifle Safety & Marksmanship Training CD and the unit's Basic Marksmanship Course in order to be considered for team membership.

i. If a team member resigns or is otherwise ineligible thereby creating a vacancy, any cadet who has successfully completed the CMP Rifle Safety & Marksmanship Training CD and the unit's Basic Marksmanship Course may be recruited to fill the vacancy

j. Violations of any safety regulation, range rule, or failure to follow strict discipline will result in immediate and permanent removal from the team.

k. All Cadet applications for Varsity team membership and the developmental squad must be reviewed and endorsed by the SNSI and the Vice Principal.

l. If there are more than 15 fully qualified cadets requesting to participate on the Varsity team, there will be a marksmanship skill competition to select the top 15 cadets. The score sheet for the competition is on Tab C.

m. A parent/cadet contract and release of liability must be completed prior to acceptance on the Varsity or developmental team. Contract is on Tab D.

4. ATTENDANCE. Failure to attend a scheduled practice on a regular basis or frequent tardies may result in dismissal from the team. Failure to report for a required competition may result in immediate dismissal from the team. Excused absences require a 24-hour notification to the SNSI/NSI or Team Commander.

5. BEHAVIOR. Behavior of team members reflects directly on the NJROTC Unit, school, community, and U. S. Navy. Therefore, unacceptable behaviors such as failing classes, assignment of frequent detentions, suspensions for violations of school rules, or any act determined to be prejudicial to good order and discipline by the SNSI/NSI may result in immediate dismissal from the team.

6. EQUIPMENT. All team members are responsible for keeping Air Rifle equipment and weapons secure and in good condition. The S/NSI, assisted by the Team Commander, is solely responsible to ensure Air Rifle equipment is kept in good repair, clean, and performance ready. The commander shall initiate appropriate action to order replacement or new equipment with the approval of the SNSI/NSI. The S/NSI is responsible for ensuring that equipment is not loaded and is properly secured at all times when not in use. Air Rifles will be locked in the Firearms safe when not in use. Transportation of the Air Rifles from the Firearms safe to the range will be conducted with two person integrity, under the supervision of the S/NSI. Whenever the Air Rifles are removed from the Fire Arms safe, they will be transported in the black plastic traveling cases with the case closed until they are placed on the shooters mat on the range. Any air rifles that are transported outside of the Sterling High School main building must be carried in locked cases.

7. SAFETY. The S/NSI is assigned as the official Range Officer per NJROTC regulations. He/she is responsible for the safe conduct of all marksmanship training, and must be present at all training activities. This accountability cannot be transferred to school administrators, chaperons who may accompany the instructor on a field trip/competition, or other personnel who may instruct cadets as part of a training activity. The Cadet Commander of the Air Rifle/Pistol Team(s) may be assigned as the Assistant Range Officer.





8. RANGE OPERATION PROCEDURES. All NJROTC instructors and cadets participating in NJROTC marksmanship activities must be knowledgeable of and in compliance with the NJROTC Air Rifle Range Procedures at TAB A. The approved practice range will be set up in JROTC Building . The range is portable in nature with the Creedmoor backstops and shooting mats removable to storage in the JROTC spaces. Only team members and instructors are permitted in the range. Removable signs covering the entry doors will identify the range is active and no unauthorized personnel are permitted in the room. A diagram of the classroom range is depicted in Tab B.

9. RIBBON AWARD. Air Rifle ribbons are earned by team members in good standing who:

a. Attend all scheduled practices on a regular basis.

b. Participate in at least one competitive Air Rifle event.

c. Accumulate a total of 15 Air Rifle Ribbon Points.

d. Receives the Team Commander’s recommendation and approval by the S/NSI.

10. VARSITY LETTER AWARD. A varsity letter, with Air Rifle Team endorsement, is earned by meeting all the ribbon requirements and:

a. Have been a member of the team for the entire competitive school year.

b. Competed in 75% or more of the team’s authorized competitive events.

c. Maintained a grade average of “2” or above in Naval Science for the first three quarters of the school year.

NJROTC Air Rifle Range Operation Procedures - TAB A

NJROTC Instructors must supervise all air rifle range firing. The NJROTC Instructor may act as the Range Officer, who is directly in charge of firing, or may appoint another qualified adult to act as a Range Officer who works under the Instructor’s supervision. The Range Officer conducts range firing by using these commands, instructions and procedures.

Safety Definitions:

? Unloaded Rifle. The air rifle must 1) have its bolt/action open, 2) not have a pellet in the barrel and 3) not have an air/gas charge in the firing mechanism.

? Grounded Rifle. The air rifle must be 1) unloaded, 2) checked by a Range Officer to confirm it is unloaded, 3) placed on the floor, shooting mat or bench and 4) not handled by anyone in any way.

? Line is Hot. The firing line is prepared for the start of a firing exercise. All personnel are behind the firing line. Individuals are on active firing points and may be authorized by the Range Officer to handle rifles, dry fire and load and start live firing.

? Line is Safe. The firing line has been made safe so that personnel may go forward of the firing line. All air rifles have been checked by a Range Officer and are grounded. No one is handling an air rifle.

? LOAD, START. Formal commands that must be given by a Range Officer to authorize individuals on assigned firing points to charge their air rifles, load pellets in the barrel and start actual firing.

STOP, UNLOAD. Formal commands that must be given by a Range Officer to stop live firing on a range. When these commands are given, anyone on a firing line must immediately stop any attempt to fire that they are making and open the action on their air rifle. If their air rifle remains loaded (charged with air/gas or with a pellet in the barrel) they must keep the muzzle pointed downrange, raise their hand and announce to the Range Officer that they have a Loaded Rifle.

Adopted: 16 January 2014