Volunteer Info-Adult

 Thank you so much for volunteering at the SG Mini-THON. Your help is greatly appreciated! 

If you volunteer during meal times, when we typically need the most help, we will feed you for free.

 Please complete the following two items to sign up as a Mini-THON Volunteer:

In order to keep everything organized, all adult volunteers MUST complete the following items by March 6, 2024 to order a t-shirt. Volunteers may continue sign up to volunteer between March 6 and April 1, but cannot order a t-shirt.

Please note: All adult volunteers who are not SGASD staff members MUST have a SGASD Volunteer ID Badge. 

Any  general questions about volunteering at the Mini-THON should be directed to Haley Rappoldt (sgminithon@gmail.com). 

A volunteer training video will be sent out one week prior to the event.