jOrgan Dispositions

Over the course of the last ten years I have had the privilege of working with and creating some wonderful Virtual Theatre Pipe Organ (VTPO) sample sets, for Hauptwerk, GrandOrgue, and for jOrgan. The following jOrgan sets represent the work-so-far from a soundfont perspective :)

These have been configured using jOrgan 3.20

If you would like to make a donation towards the work that I do, please go to: Donations.

Freedom 3/29 Theatre Organ

The first jOrgan Theatre Organ that I released - the Freedom 3/29, using Bruce Miles' soundfonts (with his permission).

(Click on the image to show the full size)

Download: (11Megs)

Barton Theatre Organ Series

These three dispositions showcase the Redford Barton 3/10 samples in a 3/7, 3/10 (matches the original), and an extended 3/12. For information about the organ and the theater please go to

.Barton 3/7

Redford Barton 3/10

Barton 3/12 (extended)

Download: (282Megs)

Freedom Morton Theatre Organ Series

The Freedom Morton series uses samples from two Robert Morton organs, both donated to me and wishing to remain anonymous. There are three dispositions, a 2/6, 3/10, and a 3/15.

Freedom Morton 2/6

Freedom Morton 3/10

Freedom Morton 3/15

Download: (297Megs)

Robert Morton Opus 2401 Theatre Organ

The Robert Morton Opus 2401 3/12 theatre pipe organ was originally installed in the Empress Theater, 768 East Long Street, in Columbus, Ohio. It now graces the home of David Billmire, and has been extended to a beautiful 3/17 instrument. David was kind enough to make sample recordings of his theatre pipe organ and make those recordings available to me in order to create a VTPO version. This is a 'Lite' version of the set.