Sermon by the Rev. John Kafwanka

We have, can and do experience our own Damascus or resurrection experience at various points in our life. Like the disciples that can happen multiple times....!

Damascus experience can come not because I am as notorious as Paul, or a bad person but simply to sharpen our faith and our understanding of our own calling to follow Jesus, or simply to assure us of His presence when in doubt or despair.

Damascus can but may not be dramatic but can be encountered through life situations and people we meet, even very simple situations of our daily, they can be revelational.

The Damascus moment or resurrection experience may occur in our own privacy or in public, or can occur when one is going through challenging times, and in that moment the voice comes very clearly or may not be as clear.

The challenge is to recognise that it is the Lord, or it is the voice of the Lord - as Mary and the disciples, and Paul came to experience - they didn't recognise him or his voice at first sight or encounter.

The flash of light itself was not enough indication but the clue was in the question and the answer that followed from the voice, 'why do you persecute me?'.

'It is me Jesus you are persecuting'. At that moment, it was clear, it was 'The Lord'.

As for the disciples who caught nothing all night long, a stranger telling them to throw the net on the right side of the boat had no further meaning beyond the words..!

It was the 'huge catch' of fish which triggered a clue in the Beloved disciple, who then recognised this was not simply a mere incident, it was a miracle and it must be Jesus. He then said to Peter, 'it is the Lord'.

The reactions are quite varied in both stories...!

Paul who is now blind got up from the ground where he had fallen but he is at the mercy of others to guide him into Damascus.

Following this encounter though, the course of Paul's life has now completely changed, from now "he is an bring (Christ's) name before Gentiles and kings".

As for the disciples in the boat, Peter is caught out naked and has to quickly put on some clothes...!

And of course Peter being Peter, he can't wait but jumped into the water and swam to the shore to meet Jesus who is standing at the beach while the rest of the disciples pull the net to the shore.

It would be quite a dramatic sight to behold......I am sure may of us would love to enjoying watching it as a movie..!

It all becomes plain when Jesus invites them to breakfast - breaks the bread and the fish and gives them, a clear reminder of the last supper held not too long ago!

And of course they know him and there was no point to ask who he was - they all knew who he was.

The Disciples of Jesus, including Paul, were not to be silent witnesses to the resurrection but were to testify in words and actions what they had seen, heard and experienced.

Like the disciples, Christians are witnesses to the resurrection - to the profound Easter love and forgiveness of sin in Christ.

We are guests at the table and witnesses to the hospitality of Jesus as the host, to the banquet where all are welcome, even those who denied him, even those who persecuted & killed him - the doors never close to anyone, there is endless open door of hospitality.

No matter the situation, experience or circumstances of one's life, the embracing love of the risen Christ is able to find us - no locked doors can keep his compassion away, no disappointment on the sea can keep his presence and abundant love away.

There is no one who is beyond the radar of God's immense and immeasurable love and forgiveness, even perpetrators of violence and persecution like Paul, they are all dearly loved.

No one is to miss out....everyone has opportunity not only to see but even to touch the wounds of love and compassion!

In a very special sense, we will be touching Jesus' wounds when we receive the Holy Communion not long from now, and we shall then be sent to go and be witnesses to the peace and joy, to the transforming love and wounds of compassion Jesus bore for everyone.

Like Paul, we are Jesus' instrument to bring his name, his love & peace in sometimes loveless and violent situations of our communities and our world.

May we be encouraged and strengthened by the assurance of Christ's presence and the knowledge that we are never far away from God's unquenchable care and love for the world, when we believe in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord.
