"Old" Bottles

I am roughly dividing the book pages on this site according to subject. This page is for old bottles.

If you should want digital photos of any of these let me know. I can stick digital photos on here. It is usually a slow process. (I just stick the photos off the camera onto the site. I don't edit them for size.)

E-mailing photos of specific items would be faster and could possibly happen sooner than getting them on here. (I can edit the size and make them smaller. That just takes time. Let me know if you need E-mailed photos edited for size.)

I will probably be contacting, "you," first to let you know about this site. (In other words, you should have my E-mail address already.) But if you run across this site on your own some how, and you want to contact me, there is contact information at the top of the page. If you can't reach me that way, then go to: http://www.whatdubhghalldoes.org/feedback.htm. That is the feedback form on our main website. You can follow the directions on the page in order to contact us. (Which is pretty much the same as above, now that I think about it. Had to disable the form because of excessive spam.)