
December 8, 2011 (edited January, 2012)

I wasn't sure how to title this page. I did my best with the above title, it isn't 100% accurate, but it will have to do.

If you should want digital photos of any of these books let me know. I can stick digital photos on here. It is usually a slow process. (I just stick the photos off the camera onto the site. I don't edit them for size.)

E-mailing photos of specific books would be faster and could possibly happen sooner.

(I can edit the size of the photos and make them smaller. That just takes time. Let me know if you need smaller E-mailed photos.)

Books I want to sell:

Les Atomes

Jean Perrin

Copyright January 1913

Librairie Felix Alcan

[This was written by a Nobel Laureate. It is in French. The text deals with atoms of course. This volume is an ex-library book from, "Detroit Institute of Cancer Research, A gift from, The Scientific Library of Francis Carter Wood". Wood was an international authority on cancer and a radiologist.

I saw a copy of this book via Bookfinder for sale at $306.69 (not incl. shipping). Another one is listed at, $233.35. There is a second edition for $49.30 on there. I am assuming the one I have to be a first edition. I don't know that it is. It is old. I don't know that I would get $300 for it or maybe even, $200. It does have the presentation sticker in the front. And there is a tear on one or two pages.

I got this book at an estate sale. The parent's were downsizing. The children were doing the sale. A woman said her mother collected first editions. But the way the woman said this, indicated to me that she didn't understand what that meant.]


Report of the National Academy of Sciences

for the year 1906. Washington: Government Printing Office 1907

[I bought this one on eBay. The seller was selling this book so it could be, "dissected" by someone learning bookbinding. I thought it was too nice a book to be, dissected. I thought I could try and get my money back if nothing else. I know I need to find the, "right" buyer for this one. I did not want to try and re-sell it on eBay as I don't know if I will find an appropriate buyer that way. You can read more about what I found about this book at this page. I even list some of the scientists in this book on that page. It is an incredible leather bound book. Most of this book is blank pages.]


Petite Encyclopedie Medicale

Guide de Pratique Medicale

by Jean Hamburger

Huitieme Edition (eighth edition)

Copyright 1950 Printed in France

[This has a, "dust jacket" advertising, "Pomade Penicilline; Sarbach; Dermique Opthalmique Nasale (O.R.L)" which seems to be a medicine (penicillin) by Sarbach that was in a tube that could be used on the skin, eyes and nose. This is some sort of medical reference book, I assume it is for doctors. Amongst other things, it has some diseases and their treatments inside. There are lots of illustrations, charts and diagrams. Some of them are in color. Inside is found a brochure for, "Pierre Lepine, Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais Anglais-Francais Des Termes Medicaux Et Biologiques". The brochure is for a, French-English, English-French dictionary of medical and biological terms.]


El Grec Del Nou Testament

Published by Biblia De Montserrat

Serie A, vol. I

I Compendi Gramatical

Per Dom Salvador Obiols

Monjo de Montserrat

Monestir de Montserrat 1928

Impremta Dels PP. Franciscans, St. Salvador-- Jerusalem.

[This is a very thin book. It was published by the Monastery in Montserrat. I bought it some years ago. I got it because I thought it was a, "how to learn New Testament Greek," book. I knew that the one language is Greek. I was not able to figure out the other language. I wondered if it wasn't Latin. The book appeared to be, Catholic in origin, and it is, "Christian" so, finding Latin on the pages would be something one would find in such a book. The unknown language really seemed like Spanish, but, that didn't quite fit. I thought it could be Italian. I don't know Italian or Spanish really. I just kind of know what they look like. Eventually I wondered if the mystery language could be Portuguese. After some digging I believe I have found this book online. I now know it is in the Catalan language. If what I earlier found online, is about the book I have, this is a copy of the first book printed in Catalan. Ok, I just Googled this title again. According to this Catalan Encyclopedia I found, this book is a, "grammatical summary".]


The Antiquary

Vol. XXXVIII (38)

starts with, "January 1902"

[This appears to be a bound volume of a magazine. It seems to deal with historical and ancient things. Here it is at, Google Books,

The copy I have is not the modern reproduction of the book. It does seem to be from 1902.

I got this book at an estate sale. The parent's were downsizing. The children were doing the sale. A woman said her mother collected first editions. But the way the woman said this, indicated to me that she didn't understand what that meant.]


Diseases of the Thyroid Gland

By Arthur E. Hertzler M.D., F.A.C.S.

copyright 1922 by the C.V. Mosby Company St. Louis

[This was written by, Dr. Hertzler who is famous for writing, "The Horse and Buggy Doctor," his account of being a rural doctor in Kansas. "Diseases of the Thyroid Gland," could very well have been a definitive work in its day. I am not sure. I was very shocked, to find this book haphazardly laying either on the bottom shelf or on the floor of a charity thrift store in Windsor, Ontario Canada.]


Books I might sell if it is worth doing that:

I was expecting to just learn more about these books. I am not entirely sure I want to sell them. It would depend upon what they are worth.


History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, Switzerland, &c. Volume 1

by J.H. Merle D'aubigné

no date found

History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, Switzerland, &c. Volume V

by J.H. Merle D'aubigné


[These two books are of different editions. The one book has its cover stuck on with clear tape. I found the one at the AAUW book sale in Dearborn maybe. The other one I found at, "Shiloah Christian Books," when it was in the basement of a church on Hass near Telegraph in Dearborn Heights. These have some condition issues. I am not sure if they have any value. I would like to see if they are worth anything. I had hoped to find other volumes so I could complete the set. I don't seem to run across them where I go for books. I haven't looked for them online, as I thought they would be expensive from an antiquarian bookshop. I should probably sell these if they are worth selling.]


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