Supernatural Celebrities

Supernatural Celebrities

Vampires or time treveler ?

A supernatural celebrity sighting this week has researchers and PR agents alike scrambling trought photo archive to confirm what many long time suspected, including our very own Celebrity Reserch, many celebrities are actually vampires.

This photo which apear in EBay this week has been touted as evidence that celebrity actor Nicholas Cage was alive in 1870 when he lived the life of a Confederate POW named Robert M.Smith. Compared with the second photo with Nick Cage now below.

Robert M.Smith

Nicholas Cage

The man who posted the photo Jack |Mord calls this the proof of his theory that Nick Cage ''is an undead/vampire who reinvent himself every 75 years or so'' in his curent incarnation Nick Cage is an ecletic actor known for his darck and unpredictable acting style .

Now the fact the actors are vampires is not in question here. More important is TIMETRAVEL AND TIMETRAVELEURS.

Is very funny the fact how some celebrities become very open to discuss ''their vampires facilities'' like preternatural beauty, nocturnal lifestyle and the ability to live with out food to name just three. Maybe they try to attract atention to the bad part-VAMPIRE, like they want to say '''d´ont try, very dangerous'' for hiding the good.

Ok, but if they are timetraveleurs from where they come; from the past ?

Have this something to do with Shakespeare? Maybe with his death what was followed by an expansive musical theatre era. Shakespeare was a strange person too because he described acurately places from thousands of kilometers without never seen before- just speacking with Venice comerciants?!

HMm...a little interesting d'ont you think?

Life on earth is surrounded by mistery, but is a big risck to play stupid games. How can be sure a timetraveleur from past if he transport just himself information? We all observed with surprise some past diseases what was considerated eradicated making trubles in thesse years....