Michael Lakson mistery

Who was Michael Jakson

Witches, curses, reincarnation, occult, magic, ghosts, aliens, we are accustomed to ignore to say "not true", exaggerations and myths. Largely we are right to behave that way. Many of the mysteries of overwhelming evidence justified proved to be just false stories which have sold well and have some pockets stuffed with money. But what do you do when the evidence appears sing and dance in front of everyone? No comment! In this blog I want to retain the attention with a stunning resemblance accidental or amazing between artist Michael Jakson and King Tutankhamon.


The 1922 discovery of the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamen made "King Tut" an instant celebrity and placed him among the most famous of Egypt's ancient rulers. Tut's tomb was broken into by English archaeologist Howard Carter. One of the best-preserved tombs ever found, it was filled with thousands of artefacts, and the golden death mask which covered his mummy is now a famous relic of the ancient world. Before Carter's discovery, Tutankhamen was practically unknown, and his life still remains something of a mystery; probably he was the 12th ruler in Egypt's 18th Dynasty. Tut most likely was the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (also known as Akhenaten), and was married to his probable half-sister Ankhesenamun, the daughter of Akhneten and the famous Queen Nefertiti. Tut died when he was about 18, having ruled for nine years, and so is often called the Boy King. Tut's death has also been something of a mystery. X-rays taken in 1968 indicated he may have been killed by a blow to his head, and testing in 2005 suggested death by infection from a broken leg. But DNA analysis a few years later showed that Tut had a severe form of malaria that affected his brain and probably killed him.

Inf.via history.com

Michael Jakson

Singer, songwriter. Jackson was born August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, to an African-American working-class family. His father, Joseph Jackson, had been a guitarist but had put aside his musical aspirations to provide for his family as a crane operator. Believing his sons had talent, he molded them into a musical group in the early 1960s. At first, the Jackson Family performers consisted of Michael's older brothers.

With 1978's Destiny, Michael Jackson and his brothers (which by now included younger brother Randy) emerged as talented songwriters, penning all of the record's tracks. Working with producer Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson wowed the music world with his next solo album, 1979's Off the Wall. It featured an infectious blend of pop and funk with such hit tracks as the Grammy Award-winning "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough," "Rock with You," and the title track. He also found success with the ballad "She's Out of My Life."

The overwhelmingly positive response to Michael's latest solo album also helped boy the Jacksons' career as well. Triumph (1980) sold more than one million copies, and the brothers went on an extensive tour to support the recording. Jackson, however, began to branch out on his own more. Teaming up with rock legend Paul McCartney, Jackson sang on their 1982 duet, "The Girl Is Mine," which nearly reached the top of the pop charts.

The song also appeared on his next solo album, Thriller (1982), which generated seven top 10 hits. On a television special honoring Motown, Jackson performed "Billie Jean"—eventually a number one hit—and debuted his soon-to-be-famous dance move called the moonwalk. Jackson, a veteran performer by this time, created this step himself and choreographed the dance sequences for the video of his other No. 1 hit, "Beat It.".

His most elaborate video, however, was for the album's title track. John Landis directed the horror-tinged video, which featured complex dance scenes, special effects, and a voice-over done by actor Vincent Price. The video for "Thriller" became immensely popular, boosting sales for the already successful album. It stayed on the charts for 80 weeks, holding the No. 1 spot for 37 weeks. In addition to its unparalleled commercial achievements, Thriller earned 12 Grammy Award nominations and won eight of those awards

Jackson's music continued to enjoy wide-spread popularity in the upcoming years. In 1993, he performed several important events, including the half-time show at Superbowl XXVII. Jackson gave a rare television interview, which aired that February. Sitting down with Oprah Winfrey, he explained that the change in his skin tone was the result of a disease known as vitiligo. Jackson also opened about the abuse he suffered from his father.

On June 25, 2009, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest in his Los Angeles home. He was rushed to the hospital after his heart stopped and CPR attempts failed, but he died later that morning. He was 50 years old at the time of his death.

Inform.via biography.com

It took the development of efficient programs that mystery to become a mystery. Michael Jakson not once defended himself by saying that going to change his face have connection with a disease. Nobody wanted to believe. In many rows denied his involvement in abuses against children he was charged. Of course we can’t to not consider the statements of children. Something happened in those rooms. But what ?

Could Michael do those things? Even all? I personally have noted certain peculiarities in the behavior of Michael.

I could not but notice that retain and express shyness when Michael was not on stage. He spoke gently and without arrogance something quite unusual for a megastar when repeated constantly.

Theatre and hypocrisy are tempted to say, but if not you? If King Tut is back as wanted?

According to data of computer solution after the restoration of King Tutankhamun, the similarity between him and Michael is amazing. It remains that science to give the right answers as it did in the case of Tutankhamun. None of the early assumptions was not real. King is not dead or wounded or killed in the desert. He was killed by an incurable disease at the time. Most likely he died at home, that was found in the desert after a few days is a matter handled by the Queen. A last attempt to save face and to ensure a dignified funeral of her husband. Son of the eternal sun could not die of a disease everyone. Interestingly, the knowledge possessed priests of that time to ensure remake of the royal family.

The result of the computer in Tut's case was absolutely surprising and far from to close open the Pandora box. For example how one can isolate a particular form of energy and to print in order to rectal in another time. One thing still not provided those smart guys that energy will store, in addition to her luggage the container look ( mask). as physical content .Notice to those who would be tempted to inject some molecule somewhere, molecule from the dead king. I hope this time remain very dead. Rest in peace majesty! And you Michael . I hope my story is not really a mystery but a coincidence. Because I do not like what Tut did to.you .

Begin to think Ms Carter make a very big mistake Did not have to open that grave. More believe that all things must be taken back immediately in pyramid isolated and sealed. If those who have information on the league cryogenically frozen seems prehistory?