Funny computer Jokes

Funny computer jokes

How do Bill Gates to enter in his house?

Use windows.

What did the mouse say to the webcam?


What is the diference between a car salesman and a computer salesman?

The car salesman can probabily drive.

What can I do if my computer make hmms?

Tell it to change its socks.

spirit of the woods

How do you stop your laptop bateries to running out?

Hide their treiners.

What is the diference between windows 95 and windows 98?

3 years.

Computers make very fast very acourate mistakes.

What do you get if you cross a constabile with a computer?

A PC plod.

swan and squirrel

What computer experter do iin weekend?

Go for a disck drive.

Would you like to buy a second hand computer?

I'm affraid not. I'm able to tipe just with a hand.

Where is the best place to buy a computer?

Whashinton C.D

What a keyboard say to other keyboard?

Sorry, yo're not my tipe.

Got this email from a friend.

Can I print my voice mail?