Radio Aire Archive

The History of Radio Aire 1981-2020

Radio Aire was launched on 1st September 1981. The station saw many changes, with numerous identities, presenters, logos and jingle packages.

Radio Aire Archive takes you through the 39 year history of one of West Yorkshire's most memorable radio stations.

View the specific eras, by selecting the logos below....

Magic 828 Archive

The History of Magic 828 through the years

Magic 828 was launched by Roger Kirk on 17th July 1990, using the former Medium Wave frequencies of Radio Aire.

Magic 828 Archive takes you through the 25 year history of one of the most popular AM radio stations in the UK.

Click the logo above to enter the website.

In Memory of

Peter Tait

15 Mar 1950 - 20 Sept 2002

Peter Tait was one of the most well loved presenters to broadcast on Radio Aire and Magic 828. He joined Radio Aire in 1984 and continued to present on Magic 828 from it's launch, until he passed away in 2002.