Move Pictures Without Rescanning

If you have spent hours and hours getting all your Facetags and Labels and Albums just right you will want very badly to save all that work when you move your pictures to a different location or drive. If you have tried to move the My Pictures folder you will notice that it is not movable because it is a system defined folder.

When Picase Moves folders it instantly updates the database, and you don't lose albums, captions, etc.


  • When you use Picasa to move folders it moves everything in the folders, so move folders containing only (or mostly) pictures.

  • Work carefully and make sure you have backups for the pictures (My Pictures folder and any other locations), and the database, so If you screw up you can recover.


If I was doing it again, I would arrange my C Drive pictures using Move Folder so they are in a few main folders Like this:

C: My Pictures

C:\My Pictures\Vacation Pictures

C:\My Pictures\Work Pictures

C:\My Pictures\ etc....

In each of these main content based folders I would have sub folders with all the appropriate pictures in them. This way I could move all the pictures just by moving a few main folders. For instance, I could use Picasa with PicasaStarter and the Database on the P: drive to move these main folders from the My Pictures folder to the P: \Pictures folder. This way I could move all my pictures with just a few move folders commands since all the sub folders would be moved too.

If you wish to arrange your folders as outlined above, an easy way to do it is to follow step 1 of this guide:




    1. If the new database is not already defined, make a new database as a copy of the database for the Pictures to be moved.

    2. Select the new Database on the destination drive that will be the database for the moved pictures, then click the "Run Picasa" button and you should see all your pictures and albums unchanged so far.

    3. In the Picasa View Menu go to Folder View and set it to Tree View so you can see where the folders you are moving come from. Any folders that are already on the Portable or Network drive don't need to be moved!

    4. In the Folders list on the left side of the Picasa Window, find the containing folders for the pictures (for instance "Vacation Pictures" and click on it to be sure it is the right one (It has the pictures and subfolders you have in that folder).

    5. Right-click on the containing folder name in the folders list.

    6. Select "Move Folder" from the drop-down menu.

Picasa Right-Click on a Folder then Click on Move Folder...

  1. Select the location to move the pictures to in the directory list. This should be the folder you are moving the pictures to on the destination drive.

  2. For instance if you are moving all the pictures in the MY Pictures folder to the Pictures folder on the P: Drive, this would be the folder called P:\Pictures.

Select Location to Move Folder To:

    1. This moves the containing folder and all subfolders to the new location. Reminder! If the folder contains other things such as documents they will also be moved! so it might not be the best idea to try to move the My Documents folder!

    2. Picasa will now be busy for a long while because it has to copy (actually move) all the pictures to the destination drive, and it has to change all the drive letters in the database. Picasa will not rebuild the database or change the face names or albums. After this is done, you have the pictures and database in the new location.

    3. Repeat the above move folder procedure on the remaining folder(s) to be moved. Make sure any remaining folders you move have not already been moved by right clicking on them and clicking the Locate on Disk option to see where they are on the computer before doing the Move Folder option. DO ALL MOVING IN PICASA, OTHERWISE THE DATABASE WON'T BE UPDATED AND THOSE FOLDERS WILL BE RE-INDEXED!!

Clean-up after the move:

Make Sure Picasa is Only Watching Folders on Portable Drive

    • Go to the Tools - Folder Manager Menu and make sure only the new Pictures containing folders are set to "Scan Always" and all other locations (especially the old picture location) are set to "Remove from Picasa". DON'T DO THIS UNTIL you are sure there are no more folders to be moved from the old location, because anything not moved will be removed from the database and if moved later will need to be re-indexed.

    • You can start the default Picasa database for the original location if you wish to be sure you moved all the necessary pictures. The old Picasa database will update and only contain the folders and pictures that were not moved. If there are others to be moved, go to the new Picasa Database, and move the other folders you found. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE OLD LOCATIONS ARE REMOVED FROM THE NEW PICASA FOLDER MANAGER.

    • If you want to keep the original Picasa pictures and database at the original location in addition to the new location, exit Picasa, and copy the picture containing folder(s) from either your backup copy or the new location, back to the original location. Also copy the backup of the Picasa2 and Picasa2albums back to their original locations. Once this is done your original Picasa will be the same as before, and the new copy will be on the new drive.

    • If you don't decide to restore The original Picasa database and pictures in the previous step, the first time you run the original database, it update to only contain any remaining pictures that were not removed.

    • If something goes wrong, copy all the pictures back to the original location, and delete the original location picasa2 and Picasa2Albums directories and restore them from the backup you made at the beginning back to the original location. After this is done PicasaStarter should again be able to see everything in the original directory location.

    • Set up the Virtual Drive function if this Portable or network drive will ever be used in a PC where it is mapped to a different drive letter or path. See the Virtual Drive instructions.