
NOTE: The functions of RunPicasa.Cmd have been incorporated into PicasaStarter Version 2.0, Which works with Picasa Version 3.9 and above. So after upgrading to PicasaStarter 2.0 RunPicasa.Cmd is no longer needed. See the PicasaStarter Users Guide, Virtual Drive function on the website.

RunPicasa.cmd was developed by Bryan Keadle

To obtain RunPicasa.cmd, go to the Downloads directory and download

For support go to the Forum and prefix your post with "RunPicasa.Cmd" or something similar

See the File header for features and usage.

RunPicasa.cmd is a command line tool for mapping PicasaStarter and it's picture folders to an assigned drive letter.

RunPicasa.cmd is similar to RunPicasa.bat but with additional features and enhancements for use on network drives.

One problem with running PicasaStarter and Picasa using a portable or network drive is that the drive may be mapped

to different drive letters when connected to different PCs. RunPicasa.cmd Maps the portable or network drive to the

same drive letters on all PCs, then starts PicasaStarter to run correctly. RunPicasa.cmd can be found in this site's downloads directory.

PicasaStarter allows the user to place the Picasa Database on a portable or network drive along with the Pictures

and view those pictures on any PC that has Picasa installed. Remember that the Picasa database on the

portable/USB/network drive must be the database for the newly assigned drive letter!

RunPicasa is placed in the root directory of the portable/USB/Network drive.

    • RunPicasa.cmd assumes that PicasaStarter and it's settings are in the \Picasastarter directory on the portable/USB/Network drive.

    • The Pictures and Picasa Database also need to be on the same drive as assigned by PicasaStarter.

    • RunPicasa.cmd releases the drive letter as soon as Picasa exits. To keep the drive letter assigned, add goto :END or add set UNDO= under the :UNDO label. to avoid releasing the subst or mapped drive. Please remember that it must be released manually when no longer wanted.

HINT: Since RunPicasa is a .CMD file, a DOS command Window will open to run it.

If you don't want this window showing on the desktop, you can create a shortcut to RunPicasa.Cmd.

In the shortcut Properties Select Run: Minimized and Apply. When the shortcut is run, the command window will come up minimized to the taskbar. This shortcut can be copied anywhere. (Example: the Desktop)