The Fix-It Shoppe

The Fix-It Shoppe is one half of our concept, and a big part of our camp's vision and goals. Careful management keeps this self-service, education driven workshop from becoming a disaster area. Every year we help hundreds of people repair bicycles, costumes, vehicles, fire-performance tools, flame throwers, nuclear reactors, mohawks, tiny hats and more. If it is broken, we help you fix it. Of course, with such a wide goal, keeping things under control can be a challenge. Here are some of our rules and regulations that keep things running as smooth as they can.

  • Keep it Radically Self-Reliant:The Fix-It Shoppe is self-service! You are expected to work on your own problem. If you don't know how, no problem, just ask! We will help you fix your problem, but will not do it for you.

  • Visitors to the shoppe must bring their own spare parts. We collect some spare parts through the donations of generous folks, but we bring no spare parts of our own. If you don't have the right part, you must seek the generosity of the public, either on your own, or through our usually slim pickings of recently donated materials.

  • We don't buy or sell spare parts or bikes (yes, it has been asked).

  • You must never leave a repair project unattended. The Shoppe is not a dumping ground for broken stuff! Likewise, "Hey, can you fix this for me? I'll be back to pick it up later." will earn ridicule and taunting.

  • Keep it Green:The whole purpose of the Fix-It Shoppe is to keep things out of the trash, and in use. Fixing things is the highest form of recycling, and a green ethic pervades the entire process.

  • Lubrication is only to be done over a designated "Lube-Rug". These rugs absorb any overspray or drips, preventing them from contaminating the playa.

  • Lubrication use is to be kept to a minimum. More lube rarely fixes the problem, but it does waste materials, and leave splatter on the desert. If you are unsure about how much lubricant to use, consult with a fix-it helper!

  • Visitors to the shoppe must take all MOOP generated by their repairs with them. The Fix-It Shoppe offers no trash services!

  • Rugs and floor coverings must be used under repair areas to prevent MOOP from disappearing into the dust.

  • Clean up as you go, instead of waiting until the end.

  • Tip! Use a scrap of tape rolled into a loop, sticky side out, to restrain snips of thread during sewing projects!

  • A magnetic rake is kept on hand for end-of-week clean up, but we recommend "spot checking" areas after every repair to keep small bits of metal from disappearing.

  • Keep it Organized:Tools must be kept in toolboxes, or on the pegboards when not in use. The wind can blow away even heavy tools!

  • Small parts must be kept in boxes or containers, secured against the hungry wind.

  • All tools must be returned to the place they came from. If they came from the wrong place, put them back to the right one!

  • Spare parts and parts donations must be cleaned and organized as they come in.

The Shoppe bustles with activity!