Meet our executive team

Hilary Francis, CC, CL, ALB

President (Jul - Dec 2014)

Nira Sharma, CC

Vice President, Education (Jul - Dec 2014)

Charmaine Williams

Vice President Membership (Jul - Dec 2014)

Georgia Ratkov

Vice President Public Relations (Jul - Dec 2014)

It's never easy to step out of the comfort zone, and again, why not try a leap of faith. All is quite less complicated when happens within a vibrant, friendly and supportive environment as NYPMTMC is. Since I've joined the club, I've never experienced lack of support or enthusiasm. I may comfortably say that hands-on learning style of TMI helped me improve not only my presentation and leadership skills but also I improved my Project Management skills at the same time. Being a Toastmaster also significantly contributed to my learning process in general. With friendly support and constructive criticism my presentation skills and confidence blossomed comparing to months spent in ESL school. Positive energy, highly structured meetings and Project Management related forum topics are the key differentiators of NYPMTM club.

Igor Kononov

Secretary (Jul - Dec 2014)

Farideh Mohammad-Abadi

Treasurer (Jul - Dec 2014)

I am a proven outgoing, energetic and committed IT professional. I started improving my communication skills since May 2013. I seek to make a difference in all my endeavours, to maintain Continuing Professional Development and to gain project management skills through my local specialised Project Management Toastmasters.


Sergeant-at-arms (Jul - Dec 2014)