Project and Business Analyst World 2012

Post date: Jun 19, 2012 3:49:41 AM

By Rene Manipon

I feel fortunate attending the Project World and Business Analyst World Conference 2012 held at the Metro Toronto Convention Center last May 14-17, 2012. It is Canada’s largest event dedicated to Project Management and Business Analysis..

This year’s theme was communication, collaboration and cooperation. Co Event Directors David Barrett and Joanna Parry said “That to be efficient and effective professionals we must maximize our ability to communicate, collaborate and cooperate with those around us for ultimate project success”.

I attended two modules titled “ Cultural Intelligence meets Project Management” and “How to introduce Risk Management” moderated by Ms. Mona Someniuk and Ms. Karen Kessler respectively. Ms. Someniuk advises Project Management practitioners to identify, understand and integrate “culture” in the practise of Project Management to increase success. Cultural intelligence or CQ is a management theory understanding the impact of an individual's cultural background on their behaviour. In a world where cruising borders is routine, CQ becomes a very important aptitude and skill. People with higher CQ's are regarded as better able to successfully blend into any project management environment using more effective practices than those with a lower

On the other hand, Ms. Kessler explained the importance of identifying, analyzing, planning and implementing an appropriate risk response to ensure project success. She explained the relationship between "impact" and "likelihood" of risks in a chart showing high, medium and low categories. Those risks falling under the high likelihood and high impact should be given greater attention than those of the lower likelihood and impacts. Proposed strategies would include, avoidance, transferring the risk, accepting the risk and mitigating the negative effects.

Aside from the focused symposium and conference tracks, a world of knowledge gained from respected speakers, the event also offers a great opportunity for networking. I felt empowered with tools and knowledge that I can apply in my project management career. I would like to convey my thanks and appreciation to PMI- SOC Government Community of Practice most especially to Joseph for giving me the opportunity to volunteer as a booth exhibitor. This initiative gave me entrance to the conference. I will definitely volunteer again next year