Equipment For Sale

Updated 12/26/2018

1.5kW RF Out Modules

Lo-Lo band for 6m or modified to 2m

Available: 15

Price $550, free shipping in lower 48

600W IPA2 Medium Power Modules

Lo-Lo band for 6m or modified to 2m

Available: 2

Price: $250 each, free shipping in lower 48

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The Larcan amplifier modules are removed from Larcan television amplifiers made in Canada. Long appreciated for their ruggedness and simplicity, they are very easy to use on 6m and modify for 2m. With their heritage from television service, they are quite comfortable running at full power at 100% duty cycle, 24/7/365. They can be run at full power in amateur digital modes

The amplifiers are available in 1.5 kW, 1.0 kW, and 600W versions. They are fairly broadband, covering several TV channels. The most common ones seen cover TV lo-band (channels 2-6), and are further sub divided as lo-lo (ch. 2-4) and lo-hi (ch 5-6). Both these versions are pretty much identical, differing by just different value chip capacitors and microstrip jumpers. It is quite easy to switch from one version to another. Both low-band versions are easily modifiable to 2m as well. Lo-lo versions typically can operate on 6m, but do benefit from changing a few capacitors to optimize on 6m. Larcan also make a high band version that works well on 222 MHz.

The Minuteman Repeater Association webpage has a wealth of information on the use and modifications of the 1.0 and 1.5kW amplifiers on 6m and 2m. The 600W maximum version was actually used as the IPA2 driver stage, but it is just half of the 1.0 kW version with simpler power splitter and combiner circuitry. These work very well as medium power amplifiers on 6m and 2m. See the "Files" section of this website for an in depth article on modifying the IPA2 for 2m service. The information was first published and released at the 2018 Central States VHF Society conference. The articles go well beyond the 2m modification, detailing what goes into building a complete amplifier with case, power supply, and W6PQL control modules.