1999-2000 ZA/N7BHC Albania

ZA/N7BHC was operational from August 1999 to November 2000 from Tirana, Albania. Operation was almost exclusively on 6, 2m, and 70cm. The equipment lineup was a Yaesu FT-847, a 300 watt Mirage amplifier on2m and a 100 watt rfConcepts amp on 70cm. The 6m antenna was a M2 6M5. On 2m I used the KLM 16 element yagi, and on 70cm, a M2 432-9WL.

Six meters was a blast at the top of the sunspot cycle. Ninety seven countries were worked. The best DX was KH6 on long path over the South Pole. Six would open on F2 at 9 am, and stay open to the following 2 am. Sporadic E was common into Europe, as was tropo ducting. 70cm operation was all with tropo ducting across the Mediterranean.

One of my great pleasures in Albania was my friendship with Niko ZA1D. Niko was very helpful with antennas, meeting some of the other hams in the area, and was the only ham I had consistent contact and friendship with for the duration of my stay in Albania. I also greatly enjoyed meeting the Italian 6m hams, and many friendships were formed through numerous contacts on 6m and 2m. I had the pleasure of meeting many of the SixItalia members on my two visits to Italy.