Season 2 Coming Soon

-Office of Powermonger-

Powermonger is looking out over Madrid through a window in his business building.

Powermonger: Demtor has everything been set in motion?

Demtor the Mystic: Yes sir. The Sentinels are busy with the Ricky and his crew. They were distracted and I was able to cast my spells.

Powermonger: Ah yes Ricky. I believe they are referring to themselves as the Hordesmen. I tried to recruit him and he didn't seem interested. However, it seems he is helping me for free. So, how many did you get?

Demtor the Mystic: Eight. They are from all over, and they have a corporate backing like you wanted.

Powermonger: Good, good. Bring them in. I want to meet those who I am going to build my empire on.

Demtor the Mystic: As you wish.


Messenger: Nicholas. We need to speak.

Saint Nick: What do you need?

Messenger: I don't need anything. I'm giving you a warning. There is something coming to the Nil Zone.

Saint Nick: What is it?

Messenger: I don't know yet. I just know it isn't good. I'm going to check it out. I will bring back more news when I have some.