UFA - Universal Fighting Alliance

This is based of the Go.Fight.Pow card game.


IFC Rankings as of Super Fight 2 PPV

Champion: Honest Abe

1. Punk AD

2. Yoko

3. Messenger

4. Tick Tock

5. Krusher Khan

6. Knuckles Sanvich

7. Bobcat Jack

8. Ken Po

9. War Hawk

10. Eric Adonis

Glitter Rankings as of Super Fights 2 PPV

Champions: Lauren Lethal

1. Nukleah

2. Jane Tompkins

3. Serenity

4. Peaches

5. Space Girl Paige

6. Dorna Wayfarer

7. Burn

8. Axetion

9. Franny Stein

10. Thunderkitty

Duos as of Super Fights 2 PPV

No Champion

1. Kimmy & Dawn

2. I Scream Queen & Chloe Cosmos

3. Death Star & Nukleah

4. Tick Tock & Rabbid

5. Ken Po & Yoko

6. Rocky & Vincitor

7. Burn & Punk AD

8. Diamond Baettle & Ellepatra

9. Cold Blooded Hearts - Marksman & Blacksmith

10. Hyper Galaxy Heat - Caloray & T. Ignis

Universal Fighting Alliance Records