*100+ Books (list)
Here is a link with over 100 books related to member care (updated April 2016). The books are organized into categories according to Sphere Four (eight domains of Special Care) in the international-macro member care model. The attachment also includes several web sites related to member care and humanitarian assistance.
If you are new to the member care area you might be wondering, "Where do I begin?!" The same question is relevant if you are more familiar with the mission context for member care than you are with the humanitarian assistance context. This international and interdisciplinary field has really developed over the last 20+ years, and there are now so many materials and organizations and events. Two of the foundational volumes that we routinely recommend for a broad overview, with authors/practitioners from many different backgrounds, is Doing Member Care Well (2002, edited by Kelly) for the mission sector and Sharing the Front Line and the Back Hills: Peacekeepers, Humanitarian Aid Workers, and the Media in the Midst of Crisis (2002, edited by Yael Danieli) for the humanitarian sector.
Click on the book title above for Doing Member Care Well and you can view it on Google Books. You can also get information on translations in the MC Library section of this web site. Sharing the Front Line is not available on Google Books. However the Introduction is available to read online from the publisher.
Our latest books are in the Global Member Care series (2011 and 2013).